2019 Conservation in the West Poll
The 9th Annual Survey of Voters in the Rocky Mountain West

January 31, 2019, Poll Presentation
Press Release
Poll Questions and Responses
INSTANT ACCESS: 9 years of Rockies poll data made visual
Summary Reports
State Infographics
Topic Reports
Climate Change
Latino Voters
Outdoor Recreation
Rejection of D.C.
Climate Change: A growing concern across the Rocky Mountain West
Colorado College State of the Rockies Project leaders rolled out the 2019 State of the Rockies Conservation in the West Poll on Jan. 31 in Denver at an outdoor recreation industry forum, presenting survey results that show rising public concern about water supplies and climate change. Listen to the live audio.
State of the Rockies director Corina McKendry joined Gov. Jared Polis, conservationists, and recreation industry officials at the forum and discussed the poll with journalists. Reporters from around the region phoned in to learn the results of this poll that CC commissions each year.

It found that a majority of Colorado residents favor protecting the natural environment and wildlife. Fewer than 25 percent favor the increased production of fossil fuels using public lands that the Trump administration has prioritized. And the survey found that a majority want Congress to protect air, water quality, and wildlife on public lands.
McKendry also served on an Outdoor Industry Association panel during a luncheon. A political scientist, McKendry conveyed the history and purpose of CC's State of the Rockies Project and the poll. For more than a decade, CC students and faculty have looked into major environmental issues playing out in the region.
Photo: McKendry sits on a luncheon panel with Outdoor Industry Association director Amy Roberts and Center for Western Priorities director Jennifer Rokala.
Public opinion can play a role in shaping government policy. Poll results over the past decade show a consistent strong majority of western voters in Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Montana, Idaho, Arizona and New Mexico consider themselves "conservationists." This year, the poll found that 53 percent of Republicans and 87 percent of Democrats would support local fees or taxes to protect water, wildlife habitat and outdoor recreation opportunities.
McKendry told reporters that the poll findings reveal western values. "That a leadership agenda out of step with those values is met with disapproval in the West is no surprise," McKendry said, "although the rejection of the current administration's priorities is particularly intense here." Photo: Colorado College students Dave Sachs '20 and Jordan Vick '20 check out the Outdoor Industry Snow Show.
Photos by Jennifer Coombes
Colorado College State of the Rockies project in the press
Listen to the krcc.org radio interview.
Media Coverage
Letters to the editor, Feb. 20
Don't make me plow twice
I grew up in Fargo, North Dakota, so I know my way around snow, shovels, and tow straps. However, I am not a spring chicken, and I am really tired of being plowed in, not out, of my driveway. How much longer would it take street plows to not put 1 to 2 feet of snow at the end of every driveway? Read more.
I left at 8 a.m. Friday to drop my husband off and returned at 8:20 to find 16 inches at the end of my drive in John Dodge. Struggling to remove it, I was helped by a Yellow Iron plow driver who cleared it out of kindness.
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- Cronkite News Service 31-Jan-2019
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- My Outdoor Website - KRCC 1-Feb-2019
- Daily Sentinel Online 1-Feb-2019
- Daily Sentinel Online 1-Feb-19
- Cronkite News Service 1-Feb-19
- krcc.org 1-Feb-19
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- Missoula Current 2-Feb-19
- KRCC.org 2-Feb-19
- Medium.com 2-Feb-19
- Durango Herald 3-Feb-2019
- Daily Sentinel Online 3-Feb-19
- Casper Star Tribune 4-Feb-2019
- Public News Service 4-Feb-19
- Public News Service 4-Feb-19
- Todays News-Herald Online 4-Feb-19
- Reno Gazette-Journal Online 4-Feb-19
- Kdminer.com 4-feb-19
- KUNC.org 4-Feb-2019
- Coyote Gulch 5-Feb-19
- Westword Online 5-Feb-19
- Montana Standard Online 5-Feb-19
- KPVI-TV Online 5-Feb-19
- KUER-FM Online 5-Feb-19
- krcc.org 5-Feb-19
- Wyoming Public Media 5-Feb-19
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- Tucson Sentinel 8-Feb-2019
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- Public News Service 5-Mar-2019
- Bizwest.com 5-Mar-2019