How might we centralize, institutionalize, and communicate resources to stakeholders both on and off campus in order to affirm and deepen partnerships?


The decentralized nature of community engagement at CC diffuses not only our impact, but also knowledge of the intellectual, practical, logistical, and financial resources to support community work. In this, we diminish our own capacity to bring visions to life; ideas may wither not because of their merits, but the difficulty of navigating the support systems needed to realize them.

By positioning the CCE as a hub of information, resources, and relationships, we can lay a strong foundation for community-engaged teaching, learning and research. Through greater centralization and communication of the resources available to support stakeholders on and off the campus, we can provide clearer and more equitable pathways to building, expanding, and deepening community partnerships. Lastly, a coordinating body with strong community relationships can maintain a pulse on community needs, helping to guide student and faculty passions towards the intersection of campus and community interests.

  1. Document and centralize information to catalog community-engaged work, inspire partnerships and engagement, and educate stakeholders.
  2. Share and celebrate CC's engaged work to communities beyond the campus to establish CC as a public resource for Colorado Springs and the Pikes Peak Region.
  3. Establish clear and transparent procedures for accessing and utilizing resources.
  4. Educate stakeholders about resources and avenues to engage at CC.


Strategic Initiatives

High Impact Partnerships

This initiative aims to develop a small consortium of around ten community-based organizations with whom CC can develop deep, multi-faceted institutional partnerships. The CCE will bring this group together to build relationships, as well as support and co-educate partners on how to offer meaningful, developmental opportunities for students. The CCE commits to highlighting and centralizing these partners and working to leverage CC assets, knowledge, and energies toward proactively building deeper, mutually beneficial relationships with these partners.

Click here to view our current list of High Impact Partners!


Community Engagement Recognition Night

At this end-of-year celebration, we celebrate the various ways in which our campus engages in community-based work, democratically invests in shared futures, and develops our students into engaged citizens. At CERN, we honor those faculty, staff, students, and community partners who have gone above and beyond in contributing to the public good. With over 150 attendees at our 2018 pilot event, this event serves to affirm and renew energy for a culture that supports community-based work.

Rocky Mountain Field Institute staff accept the Outstanding Community Partner Award at CERN.

Incorporated Strategies

  • Build deep, multi-faceted institutional partnerships with the potential for meaningful student learning and community impact
  • Establish clear processes to facilitate partnership building and to access research and academic expertise
  • Celebrate and elevate community-engaged work to raise awareness and foster collaboration
  • Share community impacts with stakeholders beyond the campus
Report an issue - Last updated: 07/25/2022