Procedures and Guidelines

All CC community members engaging in community work need to complete and abide by the volunteer/employee process provided by the organization you are engaging with. If you are unclear about their processes and policies, you need to ask before you begin! The CCE staff are here to help you navigate this process. You can find our contact information on the About Us page or email

CCE Guidelines for Working with Minors

• CC students working (volunteer or paid) with minors must always be within the eyesight of a professional member of the organization in which you are working with.
• Abide by your organizations policies and procedures. If you are unsure of the policies of your organization, ask for clarification before you begin.
• CC student organizations working with D11 schools must fill out the D11 volunteer registration online. Print a PDF copy of the completed form, sign it, then show your ID with paperwork to the school visitor’s check-in office when you go for the first time.

Emergency Preparedness

CC Transportation Guidelines

Guidelines for on- and off- campus political orientated work

Reporting an Incident

Please complete the form below immediately following any “out of the ordinary” occurrence, (a fight, injury, vehicle break down, lost student, etc.) connected to a CCE program, event or activity. This form helps the CCE ensure that we follow up to such incidents appropriately, given all the information about the occurrence. This form also helps us to respond thoughtfully and proactively to minimize the risks of similar incidents in the future. If you are unsure about whether or not you should fill out a report, please contact a CCE staff member. 

Report an issue - Last updated: 06/12/2024