Guitar Ensemble

Director: Dale Miller
Packard 12 (on Mondays)
(719) 360 - 9223

Fall Semester: Monday, 7-8:30 pm in Packard 17
Spring Semester: Monday, 7:30-9 pm in Packard 17

Accelerated Guitar Program (MU146 - Guitar Ensemble)

The guitar ensemble is an accelerated track for students who are ready to take a step beyond an exploratory or casual approach to playing guitar. Dale Miller will be taking applications from his current students who wish to participate in the guitar ensemble.Students must have completed at least one semester of guitar lessons with Dale to participate and be enrolled in private lessons with Dale Miller. Students receive a .25 credit for their private instruction and a .25 credit for participation in the guitar ensemble. The guitar ensemble performs one concert a year in the spring semester.

Report an issue - Last updated: 08/17/2022