NSO Schedule

The NSO schedule takes inspiration from the Block Plan and will give you a taste of a "typical" class day; required sessions are offered each morning and the rest of the day is open for you to get connected to campus resources and peers, relax in your room, or walk around campus. 

Participation in NSO is a requirement of matriculation for all new and incoming Colorado College students, including those who participate in other early arrival programs.



Schedule Key:

  • (Required Session)*: participation in NSO is a requirement of matriculation to Colorado College. Sessions marked with an (Required Session)* make up the required program components. Upon completion of these sessions, all students will complete an attendance quiz or in-person attendance will be taken.
  • All New Students: includes first-years, transfers, and exchange students. Unless otherwise indicated, all new students are expected to attend required sessions and require components. When programs or events are for specific sub-populations, that will be indicated in both the title of the event and the event description. 
    Optional: You have the option to participate in these sessions. All evening social events are optional. 



2024 New Student Orientation Schedule

Apply by logging into the Housing Portal.

7:45 am – 1:00 pm, Orientation Check-in for Students & Families, NSO Tent on Tava Quad [rain location: Armstrong Hall Lobby]

Students first stop upon arrival Monday should be the NSO check-in tent to pick up your student ID, nametag, and more. 
Families/guests will check in at the same tent as students to obtain their guest wristbands, resources, and have an opportunity to meet Parent and Family Programs staff.  
The tent opens at 7:45 a.m. and we anticipate check-in will be busiest between 8:30 – 10:30 a.m.; thank you for your patience. 
Please reference the Move-In Day Guide for more information about driving directions to residence halls and details for parking. 
Students who arrived early for Bridge, Global Scholars, International Orientation or Fall Athletics are also required to check-in at the NSO tent to receive their nametag and other materials.  

8:00 am – 12:00 pm, New Student Move-in, Residence Halls Around Campus 

After you have checked in for NSO, you can then proceed to your residence hall for move-in or Big 3 front desk. At your residence hall, staff will be available to facilitate the move-in process, during which you will receive your room key.

The residence halls will open promptly at 8 a.m. for move-in. Please do not attempt to access the halls in advance. Thank you! During move-in, you will have help; there will be Resident Assistants, move-in staff, and professional staff.

8:00 am – 1:00 pm, Taking Care of Business 

Various offices will be open for you to stop in and take care of business. 

11:00 am – 1:00 pm, Welcome Luncheon, in the Move-In Tent on Tava Quad

Students and families are invited to enjoy a free lunch and meet other incoming students and families. Staff members will also be on hand to answer general questions and provide directions. Sponsored by the Office of Alumni and Family Relations. 

1:30 – 2:00 pm, NSO College Welcome*, Robson Arena (849 N Tejon) 

NSO officially kicks off with a welcome for all students, parents and guests. This session is required for students. 

2:00 – 5:00 pm, Family & Guest Programming, Cornerstone Arts Center and Ed Robson Arena

Parent/Family Orientation programming is designed to help you connect with other CC families, as well as learn about the many resources and programs available at CC to help support your student’s success. Parent orientation guests will receive a printed schedule at check-in. Learn more here!

Sponsored by the Office of Alumni and Family Relations.

  • 2:00-3:30 pm | Resource Fair and Regional Connections (Ed Robson Arena)
    Connect with CC representatives from over 30 offices and programs to ask questions and learn more. There will also be a space to connect with other incoming families from your home region.
  • 3:00-5:00 pm | Various Optional Breakout Sessions by Topic (Cornerstone, various rooms)
All guests will have the option to attend a selection of various sessions based on interest.
Parents of student athletes are asked to attend a full one-hour breakout session with VP/ Director of Athletics, Lesley Irvine. (Celeste Theatre)

2:15 – 3:15 pm, First Priddy Meetings*, Tava Quad  

Meet with your NSO Priddy Experience leaders and fellow trippees to learn about the week ahead and get to know each other! This session is required for students. 

3:30 – 5:30 pm, Student Welcome & Required Student Session Block*, Armstrong Hall, Kathryn Mohrman Theater 

The Orientation required content sessions are intended to give you opportunities to learn about campus resources and important aspects of college life in large groups as well as the opportunity to dive deeper into these topics through small group discussions. Today's topics are: Civil Rights, Title IX, and Sexual Assault PreventionThis session is required for students. 

Introduction to and Understanding the Role of CC’s Office for Civil Rights and Title IX: The Office for Civil Rights and Title IX is a resource available to all members of the Colorado College community for addressing incidents of discrimination, harassment, and sexual misconduct. In this presentation you will be introduced to the staff working in the Office and learn about the work that we do to prevent and end discrimination and harassment on our campus

Our Community Approach to Sexual Violence Prevention and Response: Sexual violence prevention and response is a CC community issue - all of CC's community members deserve learn, teach, and live in an environment free from sexual violence. This presentation will provide a foundational understanding of the connection between sexual violence, power, and oppression, the importance of consent and healthy boundaries, and support resources available to you on campus.

5:00 – 8:45 pm, Dinner Break, Errands, and Optional Gathering

However you use this time, it is important to note that students should be back on campus by 8:45 pm at the latest to be on time for the required hall meetings.

5:00 – 7:45 pm, Dinner, On Your Own or at Rastall Café, Worner Campus Center, Main Level  

Enjoy dinner at Rastall or check out a local restaurant; for dinner in Rastall, show your wristband for entry. At check-in, we will also have suggestions for local CC favorite eateries close to campus. 

7:00 – 8:45 pm, Sweet Send-Offs, NSO Tent on Tava Quad  [rain location: Worner Center Lobby]

Students and their families/guests are invited to drop in for an evening sweet treat, meet other students and families, say your final goodbyes, and share your words of wisdom; this concludes the Family Orientation Program. Sponsored by the Office of Alumni and Family Relations. 

9:00 - 10:00 pm, Required Community Meetings*, Big 3 Residence Hall Lobby 

This required meeting will introduce you to your RA staff, fellow hall residents, and community expectations. Students living outside of the Big 3 halls should attend the community meeting at their assigned front desk.

~10:00 pm, Evening Hall Socials, Big 3 Residence Hall Lobby (optional)

Get to know your new neighbors and your hall through this building-wide social activity.  

7:30 – 8:45 am, Breakfast Break, Rastall Cafe, Worner Campus Center    


9:00 am – 10:30 am, Transitioning to CC: Your Academic Resources: Required Session*, Kathryn Mohrman Theater, Armstrong Hall, Main Level  


10:30 am - 12:00 pm, First Year Program (FYP) Class Meetings in your FYP Classroom: Required Session*


Noon – 1:30 pm, Lunch Break, Rastall Cafe, Worner Campus Center


1:00 – 4:00 pm, Educational Sessions, Tours, and Activities*, Around Campus

Individualize your NSO experience by attending educational (Ed) sessions, tours and activities; you are required* to attend at least two (2) sessions, tours or activites and up to four (4), during the entirety of NSO. These sessions and activities run on Tuesday and Wednesday with 1pm, 2pm and 3pm start times. It is completely up to you on what you decide to attend and when! Be sure to bring your Gold Card. 
Scroll down to register for sessions!
Time Session Title Description Location

Ed Session:

Ways to Engage During & Between Blocks

Join the Office of Campus Activities, The Center for  Civic Engagement and Outdoor Programs as we detail how to get involved on-campus during blocks and on block breaks!  Gates Common Room - Palmer Hall 2nd Floor

Ed Session:

Finding Your Community

Join The Butler Center, The Chaplain's Office and the Office of Campus Activities to learn how to navigating finding your community at CC! Student Event Space - Worner Basement

Ed Session: 

The College Budget - Where your Tuition Dollars Go

Two co-chairs of the Campus Budget Committee will present details of CC's budget process and current financial status. This includes history of how we successfully survived the pandemic, the context of today's financial situation in higher education, and the potential challenges ahead.

Gaylord Hall


Fitness Center Tour

Take a tour of CC's Adam F. Press Fitness Center!

Adam F. Press Fitness Center Desk


Tutt Library Tour

Take a tour of CC's Tutt Library!

Tutt Library Lobby

Ed Session:

Finding Help When You Need It

Join the Care Team, Advising Hub and the Pantry Exchange to learn about the various helping resources that are available to all CC students!

Student Event Space - Worner Basement

Ed Session:

Fitness, Wellness & Safety

Join the Fitness Center, the Wellness Resource Center and Campus Safety to learn about how to take care of your physical self and all the resources available to students in this area!

Gates Common Room - Palmer Hall 2nd Floor

Ed Session: 

CC Jobs & Navigating Finances

Join Student Employment, Student Accounts and Financial Aid to learn all about student jobs on campus and how to navigate your finances at CC!

Gaylord Hall




Join the Chaplain for a restorative meditation practice in our beautiful Shove Chapel.

Shove Chapel

Ed Session:

Guide to Living & Eating on Campus

Join Residential Experience and Dining Service Bon Appetit to learn about the various dining options at CC and the must-knows of living on campus.

Student Event Space - Worner Basement

Ed Session: 

Taking Care of Yourself Mentally, Emotionally & Spiritually

Join the Chaplain's Office, Counseling Services and the Care Team to learn about all the resources students have available to ensure their mental, emotional and spiritual health thrives at CC. 

Gaylord Hall

Ed Session: 

Enhancing your Academic Experience

Join the Advising Hub, Study Abroad and Accessibility Resources to learn about all the ways in which you can elevate your academic journey and the resources CC has to help on your scholarly quest!

Gates Common Room - Palmer Hall 2nd Floor


Career Center Open House

Visit the Career Center for an interactive Open House! Free Ice Cream will be provided. 

Morreale House - No registration required

*Register for Sessions HERE


4:00 - 5:00 pm, Wellness and Recharge Hour

We know NSO is packed full of fun activities, so please take care of yourself during this transitional time! Take this time to practice resting and recharging, a skill that will come in handy once the academic year begins.

5:00 – 6:30 pm, Dinner Break, Rastall Cafe, Worner Campus Center  

6:30 – 8:00 pm, Priddy Meetings* (all Priddy meetings/rotations are required sessions)

Each day of NSO, you will meet with your Priddy group to discuss the required sessions, debrief the day, share out about your afternoon sessions, prepare for your time away from campus, and continue to build community.  Your Priddy/NSO leader will instruct you where to meet. 

8:00 – 10:00 pm, Optional Evening Social Events and Affinity Group Meet and Greets 

Every night of NSO we will have a variety of social activities to help you build community and have fun. We will also have intentional time for specific groups of new students to meet and interact with various offices on campus. 

Click for Social Events Schedule

7:30 – 8:45 am, Breakfast Break, Rastall Cafe, Worner Campus Center  

9:00 am – 11:00 am, Building an Inclusive Campus Community: Required Session*, Kathryn Mohrman Theater, Armstrong Hall, Main Level 

Colorado College is committed to building an environment where all of its members can be challenged and supported, teach and learn, and contribute as full members of the community. We believe that in order to do this we must build our capacity to engage within, about and across difference. The Rev. Dr. Jamie Washington will lead us for an engaging conversation about what it takes to make CC a more inclusive campus community. 


11:00 - 11:30 am, Class Photo*, Washburn Field

12:00 – 12:45 pm, Required Session for Student Athletes*, Kathryn Mohrman, Armstrong Hall

Required session for first year student-athletes. Athletics administrative staff will introduce themselves, educate student-athletes about available resources, create a foundation for Championship Culture, and share details about student-athlete handbook.

Noon– 1:00 pm, Lunch Break, Rastall Cafe, Worner Campus Center

1:00 – 4:00 pm, Workshops, Tours and Activities*, Around Campus

Individualize your NSO experience by attending educational (Ed) sessions, tours and activities; you are required* to attend at least two (2) sessions, tours or activites and up to four (4), during the entirety of NSO. These sessions and activities run on Tuesday and Wednesday with 1pm, 2pm and 3pm start times. It is completely up to you on what you decide to attend and when! Be sure to bring your Gold Card. 
Scroll down to register for sessions!
Time Session Title Description Location

Ed Session:

Ways to Engage During & Between Blocks

Join the Office of Campus Activities, The Center for  Civic Engagement and Outdoor Programs as we detail how to get involved on-campus during blocks and on block breaks!  Student Event Space - Worner Basement

Ed Session:

CC Student Jobs & Navigating Finances

Join Student Employment, Student Accounts and Financial Aid to learn all about student jobs on campus and how to navigate your finances at CC! Gates Common Room - Palmer Hall 2nd Floor

Ed Session: 

Taking Care of Yourself Mentally, Emotionally & Spiritually

Join the Chaplain's Office, Counseling Services and the Care Team to learn about all the resources students have available to ensure their mental, emotional and spiritual health thrives at CC. 

Gaylord Hall

Ed Session:

Finding Help When You Need It

Join the Care Team, Advising Hub and the Pantry Exchange to learn about the various helping resources that are available to all CC students!

Gates Common Room - Palmer Hall 2nd Floor

Ed Session:

Finding Your Community

Join The Butler Center, The Chaplain's Office and the Office of Campus Activities to learn how to navigate finding your community at CC!

Student Event Space - Worner Basement

Ed Session: 

Guide to Living & Eating on Campus

Join Residential Experience and Dining Service Bon Appetit to learn about the various dining options at CC and the must-knows of living on campus.

Gaylord Hall



Tutt Library Tour

Take a tour of CC's Tutt Library!

Tutt Library Lobby


Fitness Center Tour

Take a tour of CC's Adam F. Press Fitness Center!

Adam F. Press Fitness Center Desk

Ed Session:

The College Budget - Where Your Tuition Dollars Go

Two co-chairs of the Campus Budget Committee will present details of CC's budget process and current financial status. This includes history of how we successfully survived the pandemic, the context of today's financial situation in higher education, and the potential challenges ahead.

Gaylord Hall

Ed Session: 

Fitness, Wellness & Safety

Join the Fitness Center, the Wellness Resource Center and Campus Safety to learn about how to take care of your physical self and all the resources available to students in this area! 

Student Event Space - Worner Basement

Ed Session: 

Enhancing your Academic Experience

Join the Advising Hub, Study Abroad and Accessibility Resources to learn about all the ways in which you can elevate your academic journey and the resources CC has to help on your scholarly quest!

Gates Common Room - Palmer Hall 2nd Floor


Tiger Spirit

Join Athletics in your first introduction to what it means to have Tiger Spirit!

Reid Arena



Bike Ride

Join the Center for Civic Engagement and the Office of Sustainability for a bike ride around downtown. SE corner of Worner Center



Join the Chaplain for a restorative meditation practice in our beautiful Shove Chapel. Shove Chapel


Academic Advising Pop-Up

Visit The Advising Hub on the Worner Quad anytime between 12-5pm for pop-up advising. Look for the tent! Stop by with questions about your course schedule, navigating CC, and to meet your Hub Advisor. Worner Quad - no registration needed
*Register for Sessions HERE

4:00 - 5:00 pm, Wellness and Recharge Hour
We know NSO is packed full of fun activities, so please take care of yourself during this transitional time! Take this time to practice resting and recharging, a skill that will come in handy once the academic year begins.

5:00 – 6:30 pm, Dinner Break, Rastall Cafe, Worner Campus Center  

6:30 – 8:00 pm, Priddy Meetings*

Each day of NSO, you will meet with your Priddy group to discuss the required sessions, debrief the day, share out about your afternoon sessions, prepare for your time away from campus, and continue to build community.  Your Priddy/NSO leader will instruct you where to meet. 

8:00 – 10:00 pm, Optional Evening Social Events and Affinity Group Meet and Greets 

Every night of NSO we will have a variety of social activities to help you build community and have fun. We will also have intentional time for specific groups of new students to meet and interact with various offices on campus.

Click for Social Events Schedule

**Want to Attend the NSO Social: Ice Cream Walk with the CCE? Register HERE (15 spots max). 

7:30 – 8:45 am, Breakfast Break, Rastall Cafe, Worner Campus Center    

9:00 am – 12:00 pm, Wellness and Building a Sense of Place (Required Session)*, Kathryn Mohrman Theater, Armstrong Hall, Main Level 

First, test your knowledge about wellness topics, learn about campus resources, and compete to win prizes. Brought to you by the Wellness Resource Center.

Then, the Building a Sense of Place program aims to cultivate a sense of place and connection to Colorado Springs and the Pikes Peak Region by deepening your knowledge of local communities, issues, and ecosystems. Hear from local community leaders about the opportunities and challenges currently facing Colorado Springs. Sponsored by the Collaborative for Community Engagement.

12:00 – 1:00 pm, Lunch Break, Rastall Cafe, Worner Campus Center  


1:00 – 5:00 pm, Priddy Experience Rotations (All Priddy meetings/rotations are required sessions)

Students will have the opportunity to participate in five Priddy Rotations, three of which are required and will be with their assigned groups and two of which are optional activities. The three required rotations are Service (volunteering with a local organization), Outdoor (connecting with nature through a group hike), and Local (exploring the rich cultural landscape of the Springs). The remaining two rotations are Optional (which may include outdoor activities, on-campus and off-campus explorations and games, artistic or life skills workshops, and more).

5:00 – 6:30 pm, Wellness, Recharge, and Eat Dinner, Rastall Cafe, Worner Campus Center 

6:30 – 8:00 pm, Priddy Meetings*

Each day of NSO, you will meet with your Priddy group to discuss the required sessions, debrief the day, share out about your afternoon sessions, prepare for your time away from campus, and continue to build community.  Your Priddy/NSO leader will instruct you where to meet. 

8:00 – 10:00 pm, Optional Evening Social Events and Affinity Group Meet and Greets 

Every night of NSO we will have a variety of social activities to help you build community and have fun. We will also have intentional time for specific groups of new students to meet and interact with various offices on campus.

Click for Social Events Schedule

7:30 – 8:45 am, Breakfast Break, Rastall Cafe, Worner Campus Center

8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Priddy Experience Rotations* 

Students will have the opportunity to participate in five Priddy Rotations, three of which are required and will be with their assigned groups and two of which are optional activities. The three required rotations are Service (volunteering with a local organization), Outdoor (connecting with nature through a group hike), and Local (exploring the rich cultural landscape of the Springs). The remaining two rotations are Optional (which may include outdoor activities, on-campus and off-campus explorations and games, artistic or life skills workshops, and more).

5:00 – 6:30 pm, Wellness, Recharge, and Eat Dinner, Rastall Cafe, Worner Campus Center 

6:30 – 8:00 pm, Priddy Meetings*

Each day of NSO, you will meet with your Priddy group to discuss the required sessions, debrief the day, share out about your afternoon sessions, prepare for your time away from campus, and continue to build community.  Your Priddy/NSO leader will instruct you where to meet. 

8:00 – 10:30 pm, Optional Evening Social Events

Every night of NSO we will have a variety of social activities to help you build community and have fun.

Click for Social Events Schedule


8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Local Priddy Experience Rotations* 

Students will have the opportunity to participate in five Priddy Rotations, three of which are required and will be with their assigned groups and two of which are optional activities. The three required rotations are Service (volunteering with a local organization), Outdoor (connecting with nature through a group hike), and Local (exploring the rich cultural landscape of the Springs). The remaining two rotations are Optional (which may include outdoor activities, on-campus and off-campus explorations and games, artistic or life skills workshops, and more).

5:00 - 6:00 pm, NSO Wrap Up, North Palmer Quad (Tutt Circle)

Students will come together for a meaningful and fun culmination to their orientation program. First in their small groups for a final Priddy Meeting and then reconvening as one large group to create a large scale chalk sidewalk mural and participating in the "Splash Party", an impromptu water balloon event!

6:00 – 8:00 pm, Wellness, Recharge, and Eat Dinner, Rastall Cafe, Worner Campus Center 


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