
This page provides an introduction to what consulting is and how Colorado College students can explore and prepare for consulting opportunities. It also highlights a few consulting firms that CC students either currently or previously work for. Finally, it provides some initial recommendations on how to further develop necessary skills and gain relevant experience.


Consultants provide expert advice and guidance to organizations to help them solve complex problems, such as how to increase revenue or whether to initiate an acquisition of another company. They work with clients across a variety of industries and functional areas, including strategy, operations, finance, marketing, and technology. A popular entry point is management consulting, but there are cross industry opportunities, such as in healthcare consulting, environmental consulting, human resources consulting, IT consulting, DEI Consulting, and non-profit consulting. 

Regardless of the type of consulting, required skills always include problem solving, communication, collaboration, critical thinking, research abilities, and analytical skills. Consultants are responsible for analyzing data, identifying opportunities and challenges, and developing recommendations to address clients' needs. They work in teams and engage with clients at various levels of the organization, from senior executives to front-line staff. Consultants may also provide support in implementing solutions, monitoring progress, and measuring results. Colorado College students are developing these skills in the classroom, making them well-prepared for consulting. Additionally, the block plan mimics the pace of consulting, which is based on short-term projects. 

Consulting is an exceptionally competitive industry. As with other competitive industries, students interested in consulting need to begin early to develop their skills and prepare for a unique interview process that often involves a case interview. Continue reading to learn more about how to prepare for consulting, and to prepare for case interviews, check out the interviewing page for the case interviewing guide.


There are a multitude of consulting firms to learn about and potentially apply to. Below is a very short list of consulting firms that Colorado College alumni currently or previously worked for. To learn more about each firm and their specific hiring expectations and processes, click on the link. 


There are many options to get involved at Colorado College and develop your career competencies. Get involved to deepen your understanding of an industry and help you decide if a job in this field is of interest to you. Planning your experience can feel daunting, so check out some industry specific ideas both on and offf campus below. As you plan, meet with the Advising Hub to discuss your major and academic interests to ensure you’re on track for your academic plans as well.

Consulting firms expect their applicants to have professional experience. A range of experiences can be valuable, and for any experience you participate in, reflect on how that experience can be applied to consulting. Above all, prioritize experiences that help you develop and apply your skills while making an impact. Below are a few ideas on how to gain experience at CC:

  • Join a club at CC to learn about consulting and develop skills that are transferable to consulting. Start with clubs such as the Consulting Club, Women in Business, and the Investment club
  • Join the President’s Council to further develop advisory, communication, and collaboration skills.  
  • Work as a Research Assistant at State of the Rockies. The State of the Rockies program can help develop research and problem solving skills that can apply to consulting. 
  • Develop and utilize interpersonal and problem solving skills by working on campus, such as being a student assistant at an on-campus department, a Residential Advisor, and/or a grad. 
  • Complete a major in the Economics and Business department. Majors in the Economics and Business department can help Colorado College students develop business knowledge and skills. 
  • A particularly helpful course includes Principles of Financial Accounting. 
  • Study abroad at the London School of Economics to further develop your business and economics knowledge.
  • Enroll in the Wall Street Prep Half Block Course offered through the Career Center to learn about and practice financial modeling, a key business skill.
  • Colorado College’s liberal arts education provides students with a range of interpersonal and creative skills, such as communication, collaboration, problem solving, and critical thinking. In addition to those skills, though, consulting firms may expect certain business/finance specific skills, such as Excel. There are a few ways to gain these skills. One option is to complete an online educational course. Some platforms, like the Corporate Finance Institute, have free resources. Other platforms, such as Wall Street Prep, have both free content and courses that require payment. Navigating these resources can be discussed during a Career Center appointment.
  • Additionally, there are programs like the Tuck Business Bridge Program that provides an opportunity for liberal arts students to learn about business through an intensive academic program. However, these programs, Tuck Business Bridge Program included, are expensive, and Colorado College’s financial aid does not apply to this program. Enrollment in these programs should be carefully considered.
  • Participate in a Consulting Career Building Opportunity, specifically through platforms like Paragon One, Parker Dewey, and The Forage. Relevant experience is required for future consultants, and career building opportunities are one way to gain that experience. 
  • Complete an internship. Internships are uniquely important for future consultants. Internships and similar experiences should be completed during each summer, and an internship the summer before senior year is particularly important because it can lead to a post-grad job offer. Consulting firms frequently offer summer internships for students entering their senior year, and some firms have internships for sophomores as well as sophomore pipeline programs. These positions are highly competitive, and applications open a year in advance. Start your search on Handshake and the careers page of the firms listed above. 
  • Attended recruiting events hosted by Colorado College and employers on Handshake. Employers expect students to attend these events to learn how to apply to these companies and to connect with current employees. As a result, make it a priority to attend these events to learn about industry specific application and interview practices as well as to build your network. 

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If you are interested in learning more about consulting, start early! Use the below resources to learn more about consulting, case interviewing, and more. 

Contact the Career Center
Physical Address: 1130 N. Cascade Avenue, Morreale House, Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Mailing Address: 819 Tejon Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80903
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