Multicultural Student Leadership Coordinator


Irina Amouzou

Worner Campus Center Office 233A
(719) 389-6650 | 

Irina Amouzou (they/them pronouns) is a Togolese immigrant, poet, two-time Storytelling Champion, and activist. They graduated with a degree in Women’s and Ethnic Studies with a certificate in Gender and Sexuality and completed independent research at the intersection of Blackness and pleasure at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. During that time, they worked with multicultural clubs and organizations to build connections with each other and organize around institutional issues.

Their passion is centered on social justice education, working towards prison abolition with southern Colorado Black and Pink and labor equity. As a Black, queer, and femme presenting immigrant, Irina takes the concept of intersectionality, coined by the lawyer Kimberly Crenshaw quite seriously, and uses it to inform their work in higher ed and social justice. Irina embraces art as a way of learning and thrives on community conversations, loves reality tv, cats (not the musical), and reading Franz Fanon.

They are looking forward to working with students to further their academic and personal growth in liberation making and community cultivation. They are excited to be part of the Colorado College community as the Multicultural Student Leadership Coordinator and collaborate across campus!

Report an issue - Last updated: 09/07/2023