Streamlined Curriculum

In 1961 with a student population of 1200, the mathematics department with six faculty members offered a much concentrated curriculum from early years. Here it is evident that two main curricular streams were emerging: analysis and algebra. Further details of the changing curriculum are collected in the Evolution of the Mathematics Curriculum.

This is the list of courses in the 1961 catalog:

  • 105/106 - Analysis I:Analytic geometry and calculus. Treatment of the conic sections in rectangular, polar, and parametric equations. Differentiation and integration of algebraic, trigonometric, logarithmic, and exponential functions, with applications. 4 hours each semester. - Department.
  • 124 - Theory of Equations:Elementary theorems on the roots of equations, transformations, solutions of the cubic and quartic; Sturm's method, Horner's method, Newton's method. Determinants and eliminates. (Prerequisite: Mathematics 106.) 3 hours. - Department.
  • 203/204 - Analysis II: Analytic geometry and calculus. Analytic geometry of three dimensions, infinite series, Taylor's formula, partial differentiation, and multiple integrals, with applications. 4 hours each semester. - Department.
  • 207/208 - Elementary Statistics: Charts, graphs, frequency distribution, index numbers, analysis of time series, correlation, sampling theory, analysis of variance. (Prerequisite: Mathematics 106. 3 hours each semester. - Department.
  • 315/316 - Analysis III: Advanced calculus. Further work in partial differentiation and Taylor series; elliptic integrals, line integrals, Fourier series, with applications. 4 hours each semester. - Department.
  • 401 - The Teaching of Mathematics: The history of mathematics and the aims and methods of teaching mathematics in the secondary schools. (Prerequisite: Mathematics 106 and senior standing.) 3 hours. Offered 1961-62 and alternate years. - Hansman, Leech.
  • 402 - Readings in Mathematics: Readings, discussions and reports on selected topics in college mathematics. (Prerequisite: Senior standing and concentration in mathematics.) 3 hours. - Department.
  • 405/406 - Modern Algebra: The real number system, determinants and matrices, transformations, integral domains, rings, fields, vector spaces, groups, polynomials and their properties. 3 hours each semester. Offered 1962-63 and alternate years. - Leech.
  • 409 - Analysis IV: Ordinary and partial differential equations. Fourier series, Bessel functions, the Laplace transform, other topics from mathematical physics. One semester, 4 hours. - Department.

Notice that Modern Algebra is offered, but complex analysis is left perhaps for the Readings course. Also, the prerequisites on the Analysis courses are not explicitly stated.


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