End of Century Curriculum

By 1999, the mathematics curriculum included both a standard degree in mathematics and a degree with emphasis in computer science. The computer science curriculum remained part of the mathematics department and, indeed, was heavily mathematical in scope.

After taking the calculus sequence, number theory, and linear algebra, mathematics majors were required to take six upper division courses. Two of those courses had to be chosen from the following three course sequences in order to insure some substantial depth in the student's mathematical studies:

  • Analysis I and II
  • Abstract Algebra I and II
  • Probability and Mathematical Statistics

Computer Science students also needed six upper division courses, and one of them had to be either Analysis of Algorithms or Theory of Computation to insure their studies included sufficient theoretical depth. For further details, see the Evolution of the Mathematics Curriculum.

The 1999-2000 list of courses (each lasting one block) included the following:

  • Introduction to Number Theory
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Probability and Statistics
  • Pre-Calculus and Calculus
  • Calculus 1
  • Calculus 2
  • Calculus 3
  • Probability and Statistical Modeling
  • Linear Algebra
  • Computer Science I
  • Computer Science II
  • Combinatorics
  • Computer Graphics
  • Number Theory
  • Geometry
  • Theory of Computation
  • Vector Analysis
  • Fourier Analysis
  • Probability
  • Differential Equations
  • Numerical Analysis
  • Abstract Algebra I
  • Abstract Algebra II
  • Graph Theory
  • Operating Systems: UNIX
  • Research in Mathematics
  • Mathematical Analysis I
  • Mathematical Analysis II
  • Seminar in Mathematics
  • Topology
  • Analysis of Algorithms
  • Complex Analysis
  • Mathematical Statistics

In addition to the list above, there were Topics in Mathematics courses offered at three levels (sophomore, junior, senior), and Independent Study courses offered at the same three levels. There was also a Topics in Computer Science course offered at the junior level.

Waiting in the wings for inclusion in the 2000-2001 college catalogue, were two courses that have received faculty approval: Object Oriented Programming and History of Mathematics. These two courses make an appropriate pair for the turn of the new century: the history course was well-established in the curriculum of 1900, but the computing course would have been completely alien.

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