Early Math Classrooms

An original set of architectural drawings for Palmer Hall marks the classrooms now numbered 122 and 120 as Mathematics classrooms. This photo shows Florian Cajori teaching a mathematics class in Palmer 122.


Palmer originally had several lecture rooms designed in an amphitheatre style. One at the west end of the first floor (where Economics department offices are now. [1999]) was labeled the Physical Lecture Room. The area was remodeled in the early 1960's. A lecture hall on the basement floor (in the middle of the north side) was called the "Pit". When this area was remodeled (by leveling the floor) it formed two useable rooms in the sub-basement area. One of these became the Mathematics Computer Lab.

The east end of Palmer's first floor was originally a large Chemistry Laboratory. When this area was remodeled in the early 1960's, it became the site for mathematics department offices.

Drafting and Engineering were early courses at the college and there were early classrooms devoted to these disciplines.

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