Professor Jane Mcdougall

B.A. University of Canterbury 1990
M.A. Northwestern University 1993
Ph.D. Northwestern University 1996
McDougall, a native of New Zealand, earned her bachelor degree in 1990, and then came to the United States where she studied complex analysis at Northwestern University. After earning her Ph.D. she began teaching at Colorado College where her interests expanded to include geometry, modeling, and statistics. McDougall developed a reputation for her Mathematica demonstrations during lectures and seminars, and more recently for generating 3D printed models of her research in minimal surfaces. She also guides students to create 3D models to illustrate mathematical constructions and ideas.
In 2012, McDougall contributed chapters and a cover design to a text titled "Explorations in Complex Analysis". A few years later in 2014, after she had proved a generalization of Ptolemy's theorem. A follow up journal paper by other authors was titled "A Short Proof of McDougall's Circle Theorem." Consequently, she has a theorem named after her. Adding to the unique claim, so far she is the only member of the department run in a Paris marathon.