Temporary Operational Groups

Temporary Operational Groups (TOGs) work on immediate opportunities with a forecasted timeline and completion date. These groups are instrumental in accomplishing ideation and implementation of cross-organizational issues and innovations to achieve impact across the college.

TOGs are made up of cross-divisional representatives with diverse perspectives, contributions, and institutional impact to plan development, improve and review resources, and mobilize large-scale initiatives.

Active Temporary Operational Groups


  • Develop RFP and recommend firm to help develop an Energy Master Plan for CC that aims to reduce residual greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2035.
  • Wean the college off fossil fuel use for normal daily operation.
  • Improve and provide opportunities for student energy and sustainability literacy and professional development.
  • Increase CC’s resiliency to climate disruptions.
  • Decrease CC’s financial exposure to commodity markets associated with energy use and production. 


  • Chair: Ian Johnson (Director, Strategic Initiatives and Sustainability)
  • Nic Johnson (Director of Facilities)
  • Justin Porter (Campus Plant Manager)
  • Mae Rohrbach (Sustainability Coordinator)
  • Ryan Hammes (AVP, Administrative Services)
  • Christine Siddoway (Professor, Geology)


12-18 months 


  • Recommend firm and secure contract/funding in early FY25 to begin in-depth work by 24-25AY. (Subsequent milestones dependent on firm selected and development process specific to that firm.)


Historical Information/Information 

In 2009, CC committed to becoming carbon neutral by 2020. The Office of Sustainability was established, in part, with that goal in mind, in 2013. The goal was achieved on schedule, making CC the 8th institution in North America to reach such a milestone.  

The questions of “what next” and “how do we remain a leader and stay relevant to recent developments” were sidelined by the disruption in both college leadership and the global pandemic. But in 2023, that process began again in earnest. Amongst other recommendations, an ad-hoc group of campus stakeholders and experts proposed to college leadership that CC commit to further reducing residual greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2035, weaning itself off fossil fuels for normal daily operations along the way. Concurrent with that goal was a recommendation to increase CC’s climate resiliency and energy use planning, improve and provide opportunities for  student energy and sustainability literacy and professional development, and decrease financial exposure to commodity markets associated with energy use and production. The Sustainability Operational Group is embarking on the process of determining feasibility, strategies, cost, and funding opportunities to achieve this recommended goal. 


  • Recognize events that have significant meaning in commemorating and celebrating the mission of the college, past, present, and future.  



  • Chair: Mike Taber (Professor, Education)  
  • Brett Woodard (Director, Career Center)
  • Leslie Irvine (VP and Director of Athletic)
  • Molly Bodner (VP of Advancement)
  • Alexa Gromko (Interim co-Associate VP of Communications, Director of External Relations & Editorial Content)  
  • Cindy Hyman (AVP for Engagement)
  • Jessica Bennet (Assistant Athletics Director for Marketing)



Fall 2023- Spring 2025 


  • February 9, 2024: Colorado College Day
  • May 7, 2024: Honoring CC’s Commitment to our Students
  • August 15, 2024: Fall Conference
  • September 21, 2024: Council of Neighbors and Organizations (CONO) annual conference
  • November 1-2, 2024: Homecoming
  • November 2, 2024: Sesquicentennial Extravaganza
  • February 2025: Family Weekend

Historical Information/Information 

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Past Temporary Operational Groups


  • Develop a recommendation for usage and purpose of the open space in Honnen.  


  • Scott Johnson (Art Department Chair)
  • Jessica Hunter (Director of Creativity & Innovation)
  • Don Herbst (Assistant Director, Campus Planning)
  • Tamara Bentley (Professor, Art History)
  • Jackson Bianco (Student)
  • Sara Bedell (Student)
  • Rebecca Parker (Director of Arts and Crafts)
  • Kris Higginbotham (Events Coordinator)


Blocks 7 to 8 – completion by end of third week of Block 8. Report submitted on May 10, 2024.


Coming soon  

Historical Information/Information 

Coming soon  


  • Answer the questions: "How can we do what we do better?" and "How do we best meet the major challenges facing higher education now and in the future?" by engaging the CC Community in the co-creation of the direction and strategic initiatives of the college as we prepare for the challenges ahead facing higher education and our students.  



  • Susan Ashley (Professor Emeritus, Coordinator)
  • Lyrae Williams (AVP Institutional Research and Effectiveness, Logistics and Coordination)  

Steering Committee  

  • Doug Edlin (Professor) Y1, Y2, Y3 
  • Sylvan Goldberg (Professor) Y1 
  • Neena Grover (Professor) Y1, Y2, Y3 
  • Marion Hourdequin (Professor) Y1, Y2, Y3 
  • Darrell Killian (Professor) Y1, Y2, Y3 
  • Christina Leza (Professor) Y1 
  • Corina McKendry (Professor) Y1, Y2, Y3 
  • Pamela Reaves (Professor) Y1, Y2, Y3 
  • Karen Roybal (Professor) Y1, Y2
  • Mike Siddoway (Professor) Y2
  • Maria Sanchez (Professor) Y3
  • Mike Angstadt (Professor) Y3 
  • Shannon Amundson (Director of Financial Aid) Y1, Y2 
  • David Bailey (Assistant Director of Marketing, Athletics Department) Y1, Y2 
  • Matt Cooney (GIS Technical Director) Y1, Y2 
  • Sarah Hinkle (Director, Speaking Center) Y1, Y2, Y3 
  • Mark Lee (Director, Web & Digital Media, Communications) Y1, Y2, Y3 
  • Ashley Nicholas (Applications & Communications Manager, Registrar) Y1, Y2 
  • Megan Nicklaus (Career Center Director) Y1, Y2, Y3 
  • Naomi Trujillo (Senior Project Manager, Communications) Y1, Y2 
  • Karen Kristof (Assistant Vice President and Dean of Admission) Y3
  • Maria Capp (Deputy Director, FAC) Y3
  • Justine Square (Executive Director, Robson Arena) Y3
  • Lily Byrne (Student) Y1, Y2, Y3
  • John Le (Student) Y1, Y2
  • Natalie Logue (Student) Y1, Y2
  • Pardes Lyons-Warren (Student) Y1, Y2
  • Cormac Mccrimmon (Student) Y1, Y2
  • Stephen Sigman (Student) Y1, Y2
  • Judson Thomas (Student) Y1, Y2, Y3
  • Doré Young (Student) Y1, Y2
  • Ashley Entwistle (Student)
  • Wade Noelke (Student)
  • Chris Gruschow (Student)
  • Ella Reese-Clauson (Student)
  • Olivia Weinstein (Student)
  • Elliott Williams (Alum) Y1, Y2 
  • Lora Louis Brody (Alum) Y3
  • Emily Chan (Cabinet) Y3
  • Ryan Simmons (Cabinet) Y3 



Fall 2022 - Summer 2024 

Historical Information/Information 

 Summary report of the progress over the three years can be found here 


  • Develop a sustainable parking fee structure for the campus.
  • Develop parking policies and processes that are comprehensive of all parking users: full-time employees, part-time employees, contracted employees, students, long-term visitors, and short-term visitors.   



  • Co-Chair: Cathy Buckley (Director, Campus Safety & Emergency Management - Parking Office Rep) 
  • Co-Chair: Brian Cortez (Controller - Budget Office Rep)
  • Heather Stapish (Payroll Manager - Payroll Office Rep)
  • Justine Square (Executive Director Robson Arena - Robson Rep)  
  • Maria Capp (Deputy Director, FAC - FAC Rep)  
  • Amy Kohout (Associate Professor - Faculty Rep)  
  • Patty O’Halloran (Events Budget Manager - Events Rep)  
  • Michael Bacon (Facilities Finance Analyst - Facilities Rep)  
  • Sara Rotunno (Director Accessibility Resources & ADA/504 Coordinator - ADA Rep)  
  • Niki Sosa (Community Partnership Development Coordiantor - At Large Rep)  



Blocks 5 to 7 – completion by end of third week of block 7. Report submitted April 12. 


Coming soon  

Historical Information/Information 

Coming soon  

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Report an issue - Last updated: 06/17/2024