The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry occupies space in the Barnes Science Center, built in 1988, and in Olin Hall, built in 1961 and later remodeled in 1988. The department has at its disposal roughly 20,200 square feet of physical space between the two buildings with an additional 1,000 square foot instrument laboratory housed in the recently constructed (2003) Tutt Science Center.
The department is home to an elaborate collection of state-of-the-art instrumentation for undergraduate use. Recent acquisitions include a Bruker AVANCE NEO 400 MHz NMR with autosampler (2022), Renishaw inVia confocal Raman microscope (2021), TA Discovery 250 Differential Sanning Calorimeter with autosampler (2021), TA Discovery 5500 Thermogravemetric Analyzer with autosampler (2021), and JASCO J-1100 Circular Dichroism Spectropolarimeter (2021). See below for a complete list of instrumentation.
There is dedicated faculty research space located in both the Barnes Science Center and Olin Hall. Most research labs are equipped with fume hoods, standard laboratory equipment, chemical and solvent storage, and desk space for student use. Furthermore, machine, glass-blowing, and electronics shops are accessible through the Departments of Chemistry and Physics.

- Atomic Absorption Spectrometer with graphite furnace - GBC 932 Plus AA with GF3000 (2000)
- Autoclave - Heidolph Tuttnauer 3870E (2011)
- Circular Dichroism Spectropolarimeter - JASCO J-1100 (2021)
- Color Sensors - Nix Spectro 2, Qty:8 (2023)
- Differential Sanning Calorimeter with autosampler - TA Discovery 250 (2021)
- Electrochemistry Potentiostat/Galvanostat with Electrochemical Quartz Crystal Microbalance - Gamry Reference 600+ with eQCM 10M (2021)
- Electrochemistry Workstation - CHI630E (2016)
- Electrochemistry Workstation - CHI660A (polarography, voltammetry, anoidic stripping ) (2000)
- Flash Chromatography Station - Biotage Enkel (2023)
- Flash Chromatography Station - Biotage Isolera Prime (2012)
- Fluorimeter with dual PMT detectors and LED source - PTI (2009)
- FTIR-ATR - Bruker ALPHA (2014)
- FTIR with ATR and other Accessories - Thermo-Electron Nicolet 6700 (2005)
- Gamma Spectrometry - Canberra Gamma Ray MCA with gamma sources (2005)
- Gas Chromatography System with Mass Spectrometer and Autosampler - Agilent 7890A/5975 (2008)
- Glove Box - MBraun Labstar Pro (2014)
- Hydrogenator - ThalesNano H-cube Mini (2015)
- Inductively Coupled Plasma with Optical Emission Spectrometer - Agilent 725 (2013)
- Ion Chromatograph - Dionex Aquion (2016) shared with Environmental Sciences
- Incubator/Shaker - New Brunswick I2500 Series (2009)
- Isoelectric Focusing System Bio-Rad Protean i12Y (2018)
- Isothermal Titrimetric Calorimeter - Malvern PEAQ-ITC (2016)
- Laser Cutter LC40 Dremel DigiLab 40W with Booster Fan
- Microplate Reader BioTek Synergy HTX S1LFTA (2017)
- Microwave Synthesis Station - Biotage Initiator Plus with Robot 8 (2012)
- Microwave Sample Prep oven - CEM 1000 (1995)
- NMR - Bruker AVANCE NEO Nanobay 400 MHz with autosampler (2022)
- Plasma Etcher - Plasma Etch PE25-JW (2021)
- Polarimeter - Rudolph Research Autopol I (2006)
- Raman Spectrometer with Confocal Microscope - Renishaw inVia (2021)
- Rotary Evaporators, Qty: 8 - Buchi various models
- Schlenk line for handling air sensitive syntheses (1970)
- SEM - JEOL with Oxford 5565 EDX (2003) shared with Biology
- Solvent Purification System - Innovative Technology PS-MD-5 (2009)
- SpeedVac Concentrator - Thermo Savant 1010 (2000)
- Thermogravimetric Analyzer with autosampler - TA Discovery 5500 (2021)
- Ultracentrifuge - Thermo Sorvall RC6+ (2010)
- Ultracentrifuge Beckman J2-HS (1992)
- Ultra-low temperature freezer (-80°C) - Eppendorf/New Brunswick U410 HEF (2014)
- UPLC-MS - Waters Acquity UPLC with PDA and QDa detectors (2007/2015)
- UV/Vis Kinetics Workstations - Genesis 10S, Qty: 8 (2012)
- UV/Vis Spectrophotometer Cary 60
- UV/Vis Spectrophotometer with 6x6 Peltier holder and kinetic software, Qty: 4 - Cary Bio 100 (2001)
- Water Testing - YSI ProQuatro Galvanic DO, pH, ORP, Conductivity, and Temperature Meters, Qty:4 (2023)
- X-Ray Diffraction powder (pXRD) - PANalytical X'Pert Pro (2011) shared with Geology
- X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) benchtop - Malvern-Panalytical Epsilon 4 (2022) shared with Geology
- X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) handheld - Bruker Tracer 5g (2023) shared with Geology