Funding Opportunities

Anthropology Department Funding

Finney Family Field School Fund

Created through the generosity of CC alumna Suzanne Finney and the Finney family, the Finney Family Field School Fund will cover or reduce expenses for students to participate in field schools outside of the state of Colorado. Preference for funding goes to applications to participate in archaeological field schools, but students may also apply for funding to attend field schools in other subdisciplines of anthropology. Preference will also be given to students who demonstrate financial need, but other applicants will also be considered. Funds may be used for but are not limited to: field school tuition; travel expenses; airfare; local travel; meals and accommodations. The application deadline is the first day of Block 7, unless otherwise arranged. Applicants are encouraged to meet with a faculty member about their field school interests prior to applying for the Finney Family Field School Fund. 

Kathleen A. Jones Memorial Fund

The Kathleen A. Jones Memorial Fund, established by the family of a 1980 graduate of the Anthropology Department, honors Kathleen's memory and her love of anthropology. The gift supports anthropology students who want to do independent research projects or to attend professional meetings to present their research, or used for faculty-student collaborative research projects. All research funds are contingent on department approval of a research proposal.

Capstone Funding

Do you need funds to help you conduct your senior capstone research? The Anthropology Department, usually through the generosity of the Kathleen A. Jones Memorial Fund, can often help.  Most years faculty set a maximum cap on the amount a student can receive. All research funds are contingent upon department approval of a research proposal. Please discuss you request with an faculty member and apply through the link below. To learn more about the Senior Capstone visit our Capstone Information webpage.

Department of Anthropology Professionalization Prize

This prize is awarded to Anthropology majors and minors who demonstrate success in professional development, such as through participation in academic conferences and campus leadership positions, as well as plans for future professional development (application for professional programs, professional development workshops, etc.). Students interested in receiving this award will apply by submitting a short description of their professional development achievements, their plans for further professional development, and how the field of anthropology has influenced their professional development.

Apply for Departmental Funding

Applications are accepted and approved on a rolling basis, but students are encouraged to apply as early in the school year as possible as available funds are limited. The anthropology department will be notified as soon as you submit your application and will get back to you as soon as possible about your award status. 

Regardless of funding source, the department will require you to write and sign a thank-you note to the donors or the honorees of the fund, which should also provide an informative explanation of your research interests. You must save all receipts and make a careful accounting of your expenditures to the department. Following the completion of the research, photos and a short description of the research for this website are also required. 

Other Funding

CC Venture Grants 

The Venture Grant, is administered by the Dean's Advisory Committee. It is a competitive campus-wide award that supports travel and expenses. Because available funds diminish late in the year, students hoping to secure funding should submit a Venture Fund proposal well in advance of the projected research. The application form is available at the department website or in the department office. Students are encouraged to request letters of support for their application well in advance of the deadline each block.

CC Faculty Student Collaborative Grant

The aim of this program is to fund summer collaborative research between faculty and student in order to support faculty in their scholarly activities and to provide students with first-hand research and scholarly experience through collaborating with research-active faculty. Students present their research at the Summer Research and Internship Symposium (to be held during Family and Friends Weekend, in early Fall) and will also have the opportunity to participate in co-curricular summer research programming during the summer and in the fall. The awards are competitive and based on proposals submitted by faculty members. Research projects may include support of on-going faculty research or of a student-initiated research project designed in collaboration with the faculty member that will further the faculty member’s research. Reach out to an Anthropology faculty member to learn about their research and see if a collaboration is possible! Faculty must submit their applications by February or March prior to the summer collaboration. 

CC Summer Internship Funding Awards

The Summer Internship Funding Awards Program is designed to increase the ability of Colorado College students to participate in internship opportunities, many of which remain unpaid or underpaid. Each Colorado College student is eligible to receive one award during their four undergraduate years.

External Undergraduate Research Funding

The American Anthropological Association (AAA) offers financial awards for exceptional undergraduate research and writing.

Also be sure to check for scholarships offered by regional research institutes in the area you would like to conduct your research. For example, the American School of Oriental Research (ASOR) offers fellowships, scholarships, and grants to individuals participating in field schools or research in the Middle East each year.

If you are a member of an honors or Greek society, you should also check to see if your society offers undergraduate research scholarships. Many such societies have funding available to help members augment their undergraduate experience, and fund their continuing education at the graduate level.

Alice Hamilton Scholarship Fund

These competitive awards range from $200 up to $1000 each. Awards are based on the merits of the application, rather than financial need. Applicant must be majoring in Anthropology or cross-discipline field, with emphasis in Archaeology. Applicant must be attending an accredited college or university in Colorado, and carrying at least a half-time course load. Include a completed cover sheet with your application materials. Apply to Alice Hamilton Scholarship on the Colorado Archeological Society website. 

Institute for Field Research Scholarships

We understand that attending a field school can be a significant expense for students. The Vera Campbell Promise Scholarship provides significant funding for selected students who preferably have not yet attended a field program and who otherwise would not have the financial means to participate in a field school. 

Jane C. Waldbaum Archaeological Field School Scholarship

Established in honor of AIA Past President Jane Waldbaum, this scholarship is intended to help students who are planning to participate in archaeological field work for the first time. Students majoring in archaeology or related disciplines are especially encouraged to apply to the Jane C. Waldbaum Archeological Field School Scholarship. The Scholarship Fund provides $1000 each to help pay expenses associated with participation in an archaeological field work project (minimum stay one month/4 weeks). The scholarship is open to students who have begun their junior year of undergraduate studies at the time of application and have not yet completed their first year of graduate school at a college or university in the United States or Canada. Applicants must be at least 18 years old and must not have previously participated in archaeological field work of any kind. The committee will consider both academic achievement and financial need in its deliberations.

Hertiage Lands Collective, Indigenous Internships 

The intention of our Indigenous Internship Program is to offer Tribal/Indigenous youth an opportunity to receive training and experience in working with Tribal communities (in Colorado, New Mexico, etc.) and government partners (e.g., BLM, USFS, etc.). Interns will receive field experience conducting professional ethnographies with Tribal Elders and representatives at cultural heritage sites. Many of our interns work directly with Elders from their own communities. While doing so, interns will also have ample opportunity to network with archaeologists, anthropologists, ecologists, education/communication experts, and other professional staff from our federal, state, and/or city government partners. This allows interns to explore potential career opportunities. Our internship program offers paid positions where interns are assigned to one of our ongoing projects, under the supervision and guidance of HLC staff, who are professional anthropologists and ecologists (read below for specific applicant and internship requirements).

Funding for Graduate School

The AAA list of fellowships and scholarships for graduate school has an extensive catalog available to help with the costs of graduate school tuition and research.

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program

The National Science Foundation's Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) helps ensure the vitality of the human resource base of science and engineering in the United States and reinforces its diversity. The program recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students in NSF-supported science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines who are pursuing research-based master's and doctoral degrees at accredited US institutions. The NSF welcomes applications from all qualified students and strongly encourages under-represented populations, including women, under-represented racial and ethnic minorities, and persons with disabilities, to apply for this fellowship.

Society for American Archaeology Native American Scholarships for Undergraduate and Graduate Studies

Please see the information provided on the SAA website

Report an issue - Last updated: 02/26/2025