
In addition to responding to student conduct charges, students involved in the distribution of prescription or illicit drugs may face criminal investigations, prosecution, and penalties including fines and imprisonment. Students who are also employees of the College are subject to the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988. Any employed student who is convicted under a criminal drug statute for a violation occurring in the workplace must so notify the college's legal counsel within five (5) days from the date of the conviction.

Marijuana and Colorado Amendment 64

Colorado College is dedicated to providing the finest liberal arts education in the country, and to achieve this mission, we seek to foster a healthy learning environment. We believe marijuana use conflicts with this mission. The college has a long-standing policy against drug use on campus and within the college community, and that policy does not change with Colorado's adoption of Amendment 64. Additionally, the federal Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act disallows the use of drugs including marijuana; if the college fails to comply, it could become ineligible for federal funding and financial aid programs for its students. The college's policy also does not allow the use of medical marijuana.

Colorado College may prohibit marijuana use within its community despite permissibility under state law. Amendment 64 says that "nothing in this Section shall prohibit a person, employer, school … or any other entity who occupies, owns or controls a property from prohibiting or otherwise regulating the possession, consumption, use, display, transfer, distribution, sale, transportation, or growing of marijuana on or in that property."

The college's policy does not allow the use of marijuana, whether on-campus or off-campus. If a student violates this code, he or she is subject to disciplinary action through the college's judicial process.

As stated, "the Student Code of Conduct applies to behaviors that take place on the campus, at college-sponsored events or programs, and also applies off-campus, when the administration determines that the off-campus conduct has a direct impact on the educational mission and interests of the college. Colorado College students studying in off-campus contexts or participating in college-sponsored programs remain responsible to uphold the Colorado College Student Code of Conduct and the laws relevant to their location. The Student Code of Conduct also applies to conduct that takes place at any time from the date that a student is offered admission to the college until the student has completed graduation and includes summers and between semesters."

Colorado College's policy also prohibits faculty, staff, guests, and visitors from using, possessing, or being under the influence of marijuana while on campus or during college activities.

Drug-Free Campus and Workplace policy

Report an issue - Last updated: 10/19/2021