
Baccalaureate will take place on Saturday, May 17, 2025 in Shove Memorial Chapel. This event is open only to graduates and their invited guests.

So [Shove Chapel] is a joyful space, a space of artistic challenge, and space of mourning all at the same time. These layers of signification make it most of all a ritual space. It calls us to think behind the surfaces of the times at which we gather here both to those moments' transcendent meaning and to the character of our community.
Prof. Carol Neel, Baccalaureate Address 2013

Baccalaureate is a centuries-old graduation tradition that is held in Shove Chapel at Colorado College during Commencement Weekend. The theme of the address is broadly conceived and may address ethical or religious topics. Past speakers have used the Baccalaureate address as an opportunity to explore varied perspectives on the human condition and spirit. The baccalaureate ceremony offers a quiet, intimate opportunity to pause and reflect on the rite of passage that is graduation, hear faculty members offer advice to the graduating class, and enjoy students' talents.

Baccalaureate Blessings

Baccalaureate Blessings are a special part of the graduation tradition for Colorado College students. Each year, parents and families of graduating seniors are invited to participate in creating Baccalaureate Blessings cards for their student(s). Together, these cards form a communal blessing, sharing both individual and collective love, blessing, and hope for the graduates as they journey forth from Colorado College. If you have any questions about the program, please contact the Chaplain's Office.

Baccalaureate Addresses

Previous Addresses

2024 Rebecca Garcia, Mathematics

2023 Richard Fernando Buxton, Classics

2022 Neena Grover, Chemistry and Biochemistry

2021 Nadia Guessous, Feminist and Gender Studies, Arabic and Islamic Studies

2020 Michael Sawyer, Race, Ethnicity, and Migration Studies

2019 Jane Hilberry, English

2018 Elizabeth Coggins, Political Science

2017 Manya Whitaker, Race, Ethnicity, and Migration Studies Program

2016 Idris Goodwin, Theatre and Dance

2015 Michael Grace, Music

2014 Kristi Erdal, Psychology

2013 Carol Neel, History

2012 Matthew Bakker, Sociology

2011 Miro Kummel, Environmental Science

2010 Tomi-Ann Roberts, Psychology

2009 Jonathan Lee, Philosophy

2008 David Weddle, Religion

2007 John Riker, Philosophy

2006 Sam Williams, Religion

Previous Baccalaureate Recordings

Report an issue - Last updated: 03/05/2025