International Student Advisory Board (ISAB)
The International Student Advisory Board (ISAB) serves as a bridge between the international student community and the International Student & Scholar Services (ISSS) team in the Center for Global Education & Field Study. The ISAB includes representatives of CC's international community who act in an advisory role for the ISSS team and other departments at CC. The ISAB works towards improving the experience for all international students at CC.
CC's international student community is invited to submit concerns, questions or suggestions to the ISAB. You may contact the ISAB in person, via email or through an anonymous feedback form:
Anonymous Feedback Form for the ISAB
The members of the ISAB are available to support CC's international students and look forward to hearing from you!
About the ISAB
- Be a voice for the international community by sharing insight and stories about the international students’ experiences at CC.
- Provide constructive feedback and suggestions to the ISSS team regarding processes, services and programs for international students.
- Advocate for international students’ needs and concerns in order to help improve the quality of life of international students at CC.
- Explore ways CC can be more equitable and inclusive, particularly as related to racism, xenophobia, tokenism and other issues that impact the international students at CC.
- Meet with the International Student Support Network (ISSN) to share feedback with departmental offices at CC.
- Promote international student engagement within the international student community and with the broader CC community
- Commit to active participation in the ISAB for the academic year. (Students will be eligible to apply to renew their membership in future years).
- Attend an ISAB meeting once a block.
- Encourage international students to share feedback with ISAB regarding the experiences at CC (anonymous feedback, unless the student chooses to share their name).
- Have direct and timely communication with the ISSS team’s advisor to the ISAB.
- Provide suggestions to the ISSS team on ways both the ISSS team and CC can improve the support for international students.
- Communicate to the international student community the updates from the ISSS team regarding resources, programs and initiatives for international students.
- Represent the ISAB by attending at least one meeting with the International Student Support Network (ISSN).
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2023-24 ISAB Members
Jasmine Volkaert
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Home country: Thailand
Class Year: 2024
Major: Molecular Biology
My name is Jasmine Volkaert. I am from Thailand and I am in my senior year at CC majoring in molecular biology. I have met and shared great times and memories with students from different backgrounds around the world through international communities. I joined the international student advisory board because I would like to connect and facilitate in any way possible for international students to fulfill and make the most of their college and life abroad experience.
Mila Naumovska
Pronouns: She/her/hers
Home Country: Macedonia
Class Year: Sophomore
Major: Leaning towards Poli Sci and History with a minor in Spanish
Hey there, I am Mila, a Macedonian who spent the last 2 years of high school in UWC Mahindra in India. It was the best experience of my life. I am excited to be a part of the ISAB where I get to use my voice to make sure that the international community on campus is being heard and represented in all spaces around us, as well as prioritizing everyone's ability to access the resources that are put in place for them.
Zoraiz Zafar
Pronouns: he/him/his
Home Countries: Pakistan & Sweden
Class Year: Senior, Class of 2024
Major: Mathematical Economics
Hello! My name is Zoraiz Zafar and I am a senior at CC majoring in Mathematical Economics. I grew up in Islamabad, Pakistan, and Linkoping, Sweden. Having had a phenomenal experience at CC myself, I look forward to contributing to improving the CC experience for international students through the ISAB.
Esther Ineza
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Home Country: Rwanda
Class Year: 2027
Major: Undecided
Hello! I'm Esther. As an international student, I'm thrilled and passionate about representing your interests on the International Student Advisory Board. Together, let's enhance our university experience and create a more inclusive community for all international students.
Kathrin Liliane Bürger
Pronouns: She/her/hers
Home country: Austria
Class Year: 2027
Major: International Political Economy
Hello! My name is Kathrin and I am from Vienna, Austria. After graduating from the United World College of Southern Africa, I took a Gap year to backpack through South America where I found my passion to hike and surf. I am very eager to represent the International Community at Colorado College because I know how difficult it can be to adapt to a new place and people who are culturally different from you. My utmost important goal is to make your voices heard and enrich your student experience at CC as an International. If you have any problems, concerns, or ideas about what you would like to implement, please reach out to chat! I am looking forward to seeing you at many events hosted by the ISSS.