Workshops for Students

2024 Summer Student Collaborative Research (SCoRe) Schedule of Workshops

(Open to all Faculty, Staff, and Students)

All Events: noon - 1 p.m. Tutt Library 238; Registration for all events will be through Handshake.


 Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Roy Jo Sartin, Writing Center Specialist

"Applying for Fellowships, Scholarships, Grants, & Grad School"

Join presenter Roy Jo Sartin, who in the last year helped CC students and alums garner more than half a million dollars in grant and post-graduate funding, to learn the real-world tips and tricks of getting accepted -- and getting funded -- for your next research or study opportunity.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024


Megan Mrkonjich, Career Center

"CV & Resume Development"

Join Megan Mrkonjich from the Career Center to learn the difference between a CV and a Resume, when you would use one over the other, and how to begin crafting these documents.

 Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Different Location: Tutt Library Rm 130

Matt Cooney, GIS Center Director; Alyssa Tews, GIS Specialist

"GIS Use Cases in Research"

Come to the GIS Lab for a session with GIS Center Director, Matt Cooney, and GIS Specialist, Alyssa Tews, on July 9th to learn how GIS (geographic information systems) can be applied to your summer research. We will show you how data can be analyzed, visualized and presented in powerful ways. Not sure if your data or research will lend itself to GIS, bring any and all data with you and we will be happy to investigate it with you during or after the presentation.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024


Jane Byrnes, Student Opportunities and Advising Hub; Gretchen Wardell, Student Opportunities and Advising Hub; Emma Fairburn, Career Center

"Preparing for Graduate and Professional School Exams"

Entrance exams are inevitable. Learn about the exams, when they're required, strategies about timing and studying, and more!

Tuesday, July 23, 2024


 Chris Schacht, Director Writing Center

"Writing Effective Abstracts of Your Research"

Writing an abstract for a research project is a complicated rhetorical task that masquerades as a simple one. How do you transform a lengthy written project or weeks of research into a brief and intelligible synopsis of your work? In this workshop, we will define the role and generic features of an abstract. Then participants will draft and workshop abstracts of their research. By the end of this session, participants should have a solid working draft of an abstract to incorporate into their posters for the Undergraduate Research Symposium.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024


 Sarah Elsey, Collaborative for Community Engagement

"Davis Projects for Peace"

Come find out how you can win $10,000 to implement a community project in summer 2025 that promotes peace or conflict resolution. Projects can take place anywhere in the world, giving you an opportunity to invest in peacebuilding anywhere from locations abroad to Colorado Springs to your hometown. More information can be found on our website. The Davis Projects for Peace application is a mentored process, and faculty and staff across the campus are available to help you refine your project ideas. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2024


 Sarah Hinkle, Director Speaking Center 

"Presenting Your Poster"

A poster presentation requires you to distill your work, create an aesthetic, and provides talking points for both casual and professional observers. Learn how to master the craft of poster presentations by letting the board work FOR you! We'll cover the layout, format, and presentational strategies to instill confidence and maximize impact. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Dr. Steve Getty, Director Quantitative Reasoning

"Showcasing Your Research - How to Create an Effective Poster"

A key outcome of the SCoRe program is a poster showcasing your hard work during parents' weekend. But what are the key steps in making an effective research poster? This session will help you start thinking about this process and the important parts of your poster.


Contact Us

Lisa Schwartz
Assistant Director, Grants, Research & Fellowships | Career Center

Ooffice of the Dean of the College 
Report an issue - Last updated: 06/03/2024