Student Programs

Punch-Needle-Class.jpgThe Arts and Crafts Program offers many ways for Colorado College students to engage with the studio. Located on the lower level of Worner Campus Center, classes, workshops, and open studio times are offered to explore a range of techniques and media. The studio supports fibers, ceramics, jewelry, print, painting and drawing as well as a range of speciality workshops. All equipment and materials are provided. 

Ways to engage with Arts and Crafts Program:

Core Classes: These block long classes introduce students to a new media, further skills, encourage experimentation with craft materials and teach craft histories. The block long classes meet twice a week for two hours (a total of 6 classes). The core classes are developed and taught by students, and arts and craft staff members and are not for credit.

Independent Projects: In addition to the core classes, students who want to work on specific projects or are more advanced makers can apply for the time and space to do so in the studio. Students interested in independent projects can apply each semester and must submit a proposal (space is limited).

Oragami-class.jpgWorkshops: Shorter thematic based experiences, taught by visiting artists, alumni, faculty, staff, and students. Workshops might engage other departments, community partners and organizations, and expand on and further develop a collective understanding of craft and how it’s connected to other disciplines and ideas. These classes also provide an opportunity for students who may not have time to engage in block long learning.

Conversations in Craft: Is a series dedicated to expanding conversation about the history of craft, contemporary craft practices, and practical skills. The series will range from screenings, panels, and workshops to trips to visit contemporary makers.

Open Studios: These sessions are open to all students to work in the Arts and Crafts studio on Fridays and Sundays from 2-PM. Open studios rotate through different media, and often offer specialty workshops. This provides space for students at all levels to engage in the art making process and provides a time for students to connect with one another.

Block Break Programs: Open studios, workshops, trips, and collaborations with other departments. 

Student Groups: We often collaborate with student groups to support art making session in and out of the studio. If you are interested in working with us reach out to Rebecca Parker.


Colorado college students, staff, and faculty can register for current classes and workshops through the Student Life Summit page. Registration for all classes, and workshops opens every fourth Tuesday of the block at 8:00 am for the following block. Any public programs will be shared on the website.

If you want to stay up to date with our programs feel free to sign up for the Arts and Crafts LISTSERV.


Arts and Crafts is excited about partnering with departments at CC and engaging with community organizations in Colorado Springs. Some of our recent programs include creating cyanotype banners for Shove Chapel, providing art making activities at the Fine Arts Center for the Agents of Care exhibition opening, and taking part in Outdoor Ed's Pride Outside event. We are an active part of the student life community!

Shove-Chapel-13.jpg  Agents-of-Care.jpg Pride-outside.jpg

Report an issue - Last updated: 01/21/2025