What's Going on?
Institutional Equity & Belonging is proud to partner with the
Chaplain's Office in welcoming Valerie Kaur's Revolutionary Love tour.
ADEI Development Opportunities
Institutional Equity and Belonging Workshops
We continue to be grateful for the level of support, enthusiasm and interest the CC community has for furthering ADEI work. While there are still spaces open in the series, please know this is only one of the many ways your teams can engage in ADEI work. For additional resources click here: ADEI Capacity Building Guidance for Supervisors.
Workshop Series will resume in the Spring 2025 semester.
If you would like to schedule a workshop for your department or group please use this request form.
The workshops below from the 2023-24 Academic year may serve to inform your customized request.
Facilitated by Rosalie Rodriguez
October 11, 2023, 3 pm - 5 pm.
In this interactive workshop, we will take an intersectional dive into Peggy McIntosh's seminal work "Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack" exploring white privilege. Using this framework we will look at all of our identities (race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, etc.) and understand the ways in which we can simultaneously hold power and experience oppression in various spaces. We will also explore terminology that has become popularized in recent years around power and privilege, such as white or masculine fragility, denial, and silence and assess their impact on our interactions with our community.
Facilitated by Ersaleen Hope
November 2, 2023, 9 am - 12 pm.
This workshop is designed to increase participants’ understanding/awareness of implicit/explicit bias and its impacts on our practices, actions, and attitudes both in and outside the workplace. This workshop aims to enhance self-reflection and critical thinking through an interactive human-centered experience. Participants will immerse themselves in techniques and strategies that help interrupt patterns of behavior that do not align with institutional values and develop knowledge and skills that advance equity and belonging.
Facilitated by Peony Fhagen
December 6, 2023, 3 pm - 5 pm.
This workshop centers on understanding what microaggressions are and their psychological impact, recognizing when microaggressions occur, and intervening when a bystander of a microaggressive act. We will also review a newer concept called microaffirmations. Along with defining this behavior, we will practice various ways to engage microaffirmations with colleagues and students and discuss how they foster a positive campus community.
Facilitated by Ersaleen Hope & Rosalie Rodriguez
February 6, 2024, 3 pm - 5 pm.
What is Antiracism? How is AR different than DEI? Anti-racism is the practice of actively fighting against racism. In this interactive workshop, we will explore the basic tenets of anti-racism, build your skills, and self-efficacy to identify opportunities to challenge systems and attitudes that perpetuate oppression. Participants will gain an understanding of why CC made a commitment to antiracism and where they too can make a conscious commitment to eradicate racism and inequities wherever they may exist including in ourselves.
Facilitated by Rosalie Rodriguez
February 27, 2024, 3 pm - 5 pm.
In this interactive workshop, participants will learn how to navigate two frameworks for assessing antiracism, diversity, equity and inclusion (ADEI); one personal and one institutional. Each framework will provide tangible examples of resistance, stagnation, progress and transformation. Participants will be asked to identify where they/their institution are/is on their journey and identify opportunities for new skills or topics to learn, where to learn that information, and how to move beyond their current capacity.
Facilitated by Peony Fhagen
March 4, 2024, 3 pm - 5 pm.
In this workshop, participants will have the opportunity to consider more closely their cultural identity development using theoretical models and self-report surveys. We will also discuss how your cultural identity attitudes shape your behavior, influence your interpersonal interactions, and guide your life choices. Finally, we will have an opportunity to talk about cultural identity development change and growth in adulthood.
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Antiracist Book Club
The Antiracist Book Club and the Common Read are joining forces!
Two great initiatives are coming together this year to bring you an integrated reading experience; The Common Read and the Antiracist Book Club present: bell hooks' Belonging: A Culture of Place.
Pick your book up now with your CC ID in the College Bookstore
ADEI Stewardship Certificate
Overseen by the ADEI Leadership Team and signed by the College President, the ADEI Stewardship Certificate celebrates your commitment to continuous learning and unlearning practices that foster a deeper understanding of antiracism, diversity, equity, and inclusion.
How Do I Earn a Certificate?
Throughout the school year, a series of events that are designated as ADEI Stewardship eligible will be presented. These events include but are not limited to The Dismantling Hate Series, The Antiracist Book Club, Butler Center Workshops, Crown Center Development and others. Simply sign-in at any six designated events of these events to earn the Bronze Level. Reach the Silver Level by attending 12 events and Gold Level by attending 18 events.
Bronze: Attend 6 events
Silver: Attend 12 events
Gold: Attend 18 events
Annual Recertification – ongoing stewardship through co-facilitation of an ADEI-related event, ongoing mentorship, and championing of ADEI.
This certificate is not a check-box. Once you have reached Gold the goal is to pay it forward and to continually invest in your understanding through certification. The ADEI leadership team is always looking for ADEI champions that can help orient new staff, support continuous programming, participate in community social responsibility, and offer ongoing mentorship across the CC community.
How can I get my event to be ADEI Stewardship Eligible?
Any event that centers on issues of antiracism, diversity, equity, or inclusion are eligible for a Stewardship designation. If you feel that your event supports the college’s antiracism commitment, please submit your event at least three weeks ahead of the event. All events must include attendance monitoring and evaluations are highly suggested to ensure feedback and quality of programming. If your event meets the requirements as indicated above you will receive confirmation within 1 week from the ADEI leadership team and your event will be listed on our webpage as well.
Annual Certification
Is anti-oppressive education at the center of your life and goals? Have you already earned a Gold certificate but want to keep it fresh? You can certify your Stewardship each year after you have earned your Gold certificate by attending, facilitating, or teaching 2 certificate eligible events, courses, or programs in 1 year and completing any of the following activities:
- co-facilitation and/or planning of an ADEI-related event
- Becoming a mentor or peer educator for ADEI related programs (MAP/Riley Scholars, Instructional Coaching Program, Butler Center Peer Educators/Bridge Peer Mentors/Bridge Faculty Mentors, etc)
- Studying Abroad
- Teaching a power and privilege designated course
- Attending or presenting at a conference with an ADEI focus
Antiracist Community Engagement Grant
The ADEI leadership team recognizes the need to support and promote educational opportunities outside of the team’s current capacity. There are many programs, activities, and events that embody antiracism, diversity, equity, and inclusion (ADEI) that are of professional development value. Department budget constraints should not deprive those interested in furthering our mission and personal growth, so we have decided to introduce an ADEI grant program to help support and offset some of the financial costs associated with participating, attending, or creating ADEI programming.
The process is simple. Complete the attached form describing your funding needs and purpose at least 1 month before the due date of the activity. The ADEI leadership team will then review your request evaluating alignment with the four pillars (courageous conversations & bold action, thriving communities, student, transformations, and elevating CC’s profile)—using an antiracist lens, promoting mental wellness, and making things sustainable. You will be notified via email within two weeks about the status of your award and or if more information is needed.
The grant will run until all funds have been exhausted, at which time we will notify the campus of the application acceptance period ending. Our goal is to make the ACE grant an annual opportunity for staff, faculty, and students alike to get involved and stay engaged, furthering our commitment for as long as funds allow.
Stewardship Program
Overseen by the ADEI Leadership Team and signed by the College President, the ADEI Stewardship Certificate celebrates your commitment to continuous learning and unlearning practices that foster a deeper understanding of antiracism, diversity, equity, and inclusion.
How Do I Earn a Certificate?
Throughout the school year, a series of events that are designated as ADEI Stewardship eligible will be presented. These events include but are not limited to The Dismantling Hate Series, The Antiracist Book Club, Butler Center Workshops, Crown Center Development and others. Simply sign-in at any six designated events of these events to earn the Bronze Level. Reach the Silver Level by attending 12 events and Gold Level by attending 18 events.
Bronze: Attend 6 events
Silver: Attend 12 events
Gold: Attend 18 events
Annual Recertification – ongoing stewardship through co-facilitation of an ADEI-related event, ongoing mentorship, and championing of ADEI.
This certificate is not a check-box. Once you have reached Gold the goal is to pay it forward and to continually invest in your understanding through certification. The ADEI leadership team is always looking for ADEI champions that can help orient new staff, support continuous programming, participate in community social responsibility, and offer ongoing mentorship across the CC community.
How can I get my event to be ADEI Stewardship Eligible?
Any event that centers on issues of antiracism, diversity, equity, or inclusion are eligible for a Stewardship designation. If you feel that your event supports the college’s antiracism commitment, please submit your event at least three weeks ahead of the event. All events must include attendance monitoring and evaluations are highly suggested to ensure feedback and quality of programming. If your event meets the requirements as indicated above you will receive confirmation within 1 week from the ADEI leadership team and your event will be listed on our webpage as well.
Annual Certification
Is anti-oppressive education at the center of your life and goals? Have you already earned a Gold certificate but want to keep it fresh? You can certify your Stewardship each year after you have earned your Gold certificate by attending, facilitating, or teaching 2 certificate eligible events, courses, or programs in 1 year and completing any of the following activities:
- co-facilitation and/or planning of an ADEI-related event
- Becoming a mentor or peer educator for ADEI related programs (MAP/Riley Scholars, Instructional Coaching Program, Butler Center Peer Educators/Bridge Peer Mentors/Bridge Faculty Mentors, etc)
- Studying Abroad
- Teaching a power and privilege designated course
- Attending or presenting at a conference with an ADEI focus
Antiracist Community Engagement Grant
The ADEI leadership team recognizes the need to support and promote educational opportunities outside of the team’s current capacity. There are many programs, activities, and events that embody antiracism, diversity, equity, and inclusion (ADEI) that are of professional development value. Department budget constraints should not deprive those interested in furthering our mission and personal growth, so we have decided to introduce an ADEI grant program to help support and offset some of the financial costs associated with participating, attending, or creating ADEI programming.
The process is simple. Complete the attached form describing your funding needs and purpose at least 1 month before the due date of the activity. The ADEI leadership team will then review your request evaluating alignment with the four pillars (courageous conversations & bold action, thriving communities, student, transformations, and elevating CC’s profile)—using an antiracist lens, promoting mental wellness, and making things sustainable. You will be notified via email within two weeks about the status of your award and or if more information is needed.
The grant will run until all funds have been exhausted, at which time we will notify the campus of the application acceptance period ending. Our goal is to make the ACE grant an annual opportunity for staff, faculty, and students alike to get involved and stay engaged, furthering our commitment for as long as funds allow.