How to Make Payments and Manage Your Account

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please use the Google Chrome browser to access the billing/payment portal.

Students: Log into CC Single Sign-In

  1. Once logged in to CC Single Sign-In, click "Banner SSB"
  2. In Banner click the "Student" tab

  3. Click "Payments and Billing"

  4. Finally, select "Make a Payment"

Only the student can set up authorized users for the account.

Click "Authorized Users" under My Profile Setup to start the simple process of allowing someone to help monitor your account, receive monthly statements, submit payment on your behalf, and receive the annual 1098-T tax form.

Authorized Users (parents or anyone designated to assist with the student's account):

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please use the Google Chrome browser to access the billing/payment portal.

  1. Your student must log in to Banner and invite you as an authorized user before you can access the site.

  2. When your student has invited you as an authorized user, you will receive an email with a link to the log-in page and a temporary password. Log in to the Touchnet site here. Note that students cannot use this link to log in, and authorized users cannot use the student's log-in sequence through Banner.

  3. The CC Single Sign In page offers another link to the billing portal for authorized users; students cannot sign in using this button but must instead log in through SSB as described above.
    auth user sso link

PLEASE NOTE: You are likely to see a security warning if you try to access the Touchnet site using Safari on a Mac. Please use Chrome.

Report an issue - Last updated: 07/30/2024

News & Announcements

Spring Semester billing statements are now available online. Students access the billing portal via Banner SSB and authorized users should click on "Make a Payment" to view instructions on accessing billing portal.

Spring Semester fees will be due in full on or before February 5th OR Enroll in the 4-month payment plan option by February 4th by 5 p.m. and make your first installment February 5th.

When monthly statements are generated, all students and their authorized users receive an email notification, prompting them to log in to the billing portal and view the detailed billing statement. Remember: statements are static and do not refresh when changes are made on your account.  To see real-time information, click VIEW ACTIVITY and then expand whichever billing period you want to see.

1098-T (tuition statement) tax forms are available online (via online billing portal) to view and print.  Students who graduated in May and students who did not opt out of paper, will receive a tax form in the mail at their permanent mailing address.

Direct Deposit Enrollment
Students who would like to receive their financial aid and/or student account refund directly deposited to their personal bank account must go to the Account Payable office (Spencer Center, 2nd Floor, Suite 214) to complete the appropriate paperwork.