What level of Spanish or Portuguese should I take?
Please note that students can no longer place out of the language requirement and have to complete two blocks of the same language to fulfill the Critical Engagement Through Language requirement.
The Spanish and Portuguese Department strongly recommends fulfilling the language study requirement in the first two years of college.
Spanish Language Placement
In order to be placed at the most appropriate language level, students are required to take our online placement test before enrolling in a Spanish course for the first time.
The WebCAPE foreign language placement test is a computer adaptive language test authored by Brigham Young University. It consists of a series of multiple-choice questions on vocabulary, grammar, and reading comprehension. Since it is an adaptive test, the length varies from one individual to another, with an average time of 20 minutes. The test can be taken at any time, but we encourage students to take it the summer before they arrive at Colorado College. If the WebCAPE score is more than a year old, the student has the option to retake the test. Students must enroll in the appropriate language level, as determined by the placement test results. Students may not place themselves, or change their placement without departmental approval. If the student feels that their placement level is too high, we recommend the adjunct classes as a way to review the material before enrolling into the appropriate course. Exceptions will be made only in rare circumstances (Consent of Department is required).
Placement scores:
- Placement into SP 101: 0-276.
- Placement into SP 201: 325 - 424; if score is between 277 and 324, SP 103 and SP 104 are recommended before or concurrently.
- Placement into SP 304 or SP 305: 425 or above.
Portuguese Language Placement
Please contact Professor Naomi Wood (nwood@coloradocollege.edu) to discuss your language placement.