Cajori Editorial


The following editorial from the student newspaper, The Tiger, appeared on May 14, 1918 just after Florian Cajori announced he was leaving the college to accept the chair in the History of Science at the University of California, Berkeley.


What is perhaps the greatest blow that has ever come to the student body of Colorado College came last Friday when it was announced that Dean Florian Cajori, for about thirty years the best-known and best-liked professor in the College, had resigned and will not be back with us next year. It was not only on account of the value of his service as an instructor that the students felt such a sense of loss at the announcement, but more on account of the friendship and intimate relationship which he has shown to us.

"Caj" (and we do not use the term as one of familiarity, but as one of affection) has been closer to this student body than any other one man. It was usually "Caj" who made the speech at the Barbecue, it was "Caj" who talked upcoming events in chapel, it was "Caj" who was always out there at the picnic or the Festival or the ball game. No form of student activity has seemed entirely complete unless our "Caj" has been there or has had something to do with it.

In all the long years that he has been here Dean Cajori has made a great number of friends; perhaps there were some few who cherished just a shadow of resentment against him for a while when he decided that it were better for them to take the work over and really get something out of it rather than try to wade through the next course. But even they came to see that it was not just the "orneriness" of which professors are accused so much but rather the sincere wish to see better results. They came to the point where they looked upon "Caj" as one of their best friends in all the College, and thought of him as the one responsible for their later success. He has had a personal appeal to a great many students which is the ideal of all professors who really have the good of their charges at heart. It was the appeal of the one with a human interest in what somebody else is doing, the appeal of the true friend and the hearty well-wisher. It was the appeal of "Caj".

As a mathematician Dean Cajori has achieved a name which very few in this world can equal, a name which is respected all over the globe. His text books and his writings have been published all over the world. We are proud of all the achievements of our "Caj", of course, but we are especially proud of what he has done for us here, and it is for this reason that we shall always hold him in our memory. As a friend and as an instructor he has been more to us than we can ever measure, and we shall always look back upon the days when we had "Caj".

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