Project 2024 Year Two

Year Two Report: From ideas to actions

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Building on ideas the campus generated from last year through early this fall, eight working groups identified possible options to pursue. The Steering Committee consolidated them into proposals in two main categories.

  1. Reinforce Liberal Learning
  2. Value Our People (staff, faculty, and students
Read the Year Two report here.

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Fall 2022 Working Groups Reports


Phase One – Generate ideas


  • Staff workshops (8) June 7 thru 9, 2022
  • Board of Trustees June 6, 2022, Retreat
  • Faculty Forum, August 23, 2022
  • Fall Conference, August 25, 2022
  • Student Survey, September 7 to September 22, 2022
  • Email

Phase Two – Identify options to pursue

Eight fall working groups will identify options to pursue by drawing from the ideas generated in year 1 and over the summer and early fall.  The groups will evaluate options in terms of what we are and do, with what we care about in mind, referencing the Project 2024 year one report. The groups will also consider relevant data to their topic. Groups may also develop ideas not previously generated, considering possibilities and “what ifs.” Groups are asked not to eliminate worthwhile ideas because they might be hard to pass or implement.  During phase four in the spring, ideas will be assessed for feasibility.

Working Groups (click on the group name to see membership)

  1. Clarify and convey the nature and value of liberal education
  2. Rethink the Block Plan: Integrate learning, promote interdisciplinarity, enhance student and faculty agency
  3. Rethink the Block Plan: Restore and maintain flexibility of formats
  4. Reinforce learning outside of the classroom and expand ties to the city, state, nation, and world.
  5. Align power structures; foster ties across constituencies & levels; bridge departments, divisions, and spaces
  6. Manage resources: Money
  7. Sustain our people
  8. Observe limits; manage resources-Time

Working groups concluded their work by the end of January 2023

Phase Three – Consolidate options

Throughout Blocks 5 and 6, members of the steering committee narrowed the sets of possibilities advanced by the eight working groups into options to investigate further.

The working options fall under two main categories

  • Reinforce Liberal Learning
  • Value Our People

Phase Four – Assess and vet options

In this phase, we assessed the feasibility of the working proposals. Can we do this? If we can, then we’ll consult broadly on details and process. How do we do this? Answering these questions leads to the next phase: deciding whether we should enact the initiatives.

In addition - Connection

During Blocks 4 and 5, we asked offices and divisions to think more about "connection" and "time," the two main themes of Year One discussions. We've asked them to consider: What are they doing now that they could stop doing in the future, and how could they best use the time they would save? And how could they support other offices, and how could other offices support their work?

Higher Education Challenges Facing CC

Exploratory Groups composed of people from inside and outside CC with relevant expertise will examine four key challenges facing higher education. Click on the name of group to see its membership and report.


  • Doug Edlin (spring)
  • Sylvan Goldberg
  • Neena Grover
  • Marion Hourdequin
  • Darrell Killian
  • Corina McKendry
  • Pamela Reaves
  • Karen Roybal (fall)
  • Mike Siddoway


  • Shannon Amundson
  • Matt Cooney
  • Sarah Hinkle
  • Blair Huff
  • Mark Lee
  • Megan Nicklaus
  • Jacob Sanchez
  • Justine Square


  • Jordan Bates
  • Lily Byrne
  • Oliver Kraft
  • John Le
  • Pardes Lyons-Warren (spring)
  • Cormac Mccrimmon
  • Maddi Schink
  • Judson Thomas
  • Doré Young


  • Elliott Williams '21, Alumni Council

The Steering Committee is led by Susan Ashley and supported by the President’s Office.

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For questions about Project 2024 contact Lyrae Williams

Report an issue - Last updated: 06/03/2024