Operational Governance

Operational governance is a change model/logic model displaying the outcomes of cross-divisional communication and transparency, institutional effectiveness and efficiency, and reduced redundancies and enhanced cost savings.

CC's operational governance is our set of processes, structures, and policies that support effective management and decision-making at the operational level. It involves establishing clear roles, responsibilities, and procedures to achieve strategic objectives, manage risks, and maintain compliance with regulations. Operational governance focuses on optimizing efficiency, accountability, and performance in day-to-day operations to support the college's overall organizational success.

What is the operational governance structure at Colorado College?


NOTE: CoS: Chief of Staff; COO: Chief Operating Officer; CFO: Chief Financial Officer

College Operational Leadership Team

The College Operational Leadership Team (COLT) serves as the communication conduit between the operational groups and the cabinet to support effective cross college communication and collaboration. The COLT consists of representatives from each division. Stay tuned for updates on current COLT members.

Standing Operational Groups

Standing Operational Groups (SOGs) are groups that are permanent or semi-permanent and regularly convene to address organizational issues, problem-solve, communicate, and collaborate across institutional functions. These groups are central and core adhesives to ongoing work within the college.  

SOGs are comprised of cross-divisional representatives with diverse perspectives and contributions gathered to produce outcomes that have an institutional impact on areas such as Policy, Events, and Student Success.

Active Standing Operational Groups

Click through above for charge, timeline, milestones, and more information.

Temporary Operational Groups

Temporaty Operational Groups (TOGs) work on immediate opportunities with a forecasted timeline and completion date. These groups are instrumental in accomplishing ideation and implementation of cross-organizational issues and innovations to achieve impact across the college.

TOGs are made up of cross-divisional representatives with diverse perspectives, contributions, and institutional impact to plan development, improve and review resources, and mobilize large-scale initiatives.

Active Temporary Operational Groups
Past Temporary Operational Groups

Click through above for charge, timeline, milestones, and more information.

Sprint Teams

Sprint Teams are groups organized around a specific goal to achieve within a short period of time (not to exceed 1-2 blocks). These groups consist of executors actively working on producing an end product that will have an immediate institutional impact in areas such as planning, organization, and coordination. 

Active Sprint Teams

Click through above for charge, timeline, milestones, and more information.

If you have a recommendation for an operational group or sprint team, you can submit your recommendation here.


Report an issue - Last updated: 06/19/2024