Conference Presentation Grant

 The Conference Presentation Grant is to offset costs for students who are presenting their research at a conference up to $750. All students are eligible to apply to only one Conference Presentation Grant per academic year.

Application Process

  • The student must have been accepted to present as an (co)author at a peer-reviewed/juried conference (e.g., presenting a paper or poster, or leading a symposium or workshop).
  • The student must be registered full time at CC or participating in a CC-approved off-campus study program at the time of the conference (unless they qualify for the thesis/capstone exemption).
  • If the conference is in the summer (after Block 8 and before the following Block 1), the student must be registered in the Fall Semester following the summer conference.
  • Thesis/capstone exemption: Graduating seniors presenting their thesis/capstone are eligible to apply to this grant if the conference is before August 31, but after their graduation date. Students must be approved prior to graduation to be eligible for this exemption.
  • Priority will be given to students who have not previously received a conference grant.
  • Students will be required to submit a photo of their presentation and the location and name of their conference after attending.
  • Student application submitted on Summit first Wednesday PM of each block
    Faculty statement of support submitted on Summit second Wednesday PM of the block
    Notification: Final Wednesday of the block
    Funds available: Students may either request reimbursement within 30 days of returning from their conference or a cash advance two weeks prior to their conference.
  • If approved and funding is needed more than two weeks prior to the conference, please contact Lisa Schwartz.

Covered expenses: Please note that funding will be limited to a maximum of $750.

Reimbursement: ALL RECEIPTS MUST BE KEPT and submitted for processing after the conference. Failure to keep and submit receipts may lead to the revocation of the entire award. Expenses, documented by receipts, for up to the awarded amount will be reimbursed. If paying for the expenses and getting reimbursed will create hardship, indicate the need for a travel cash advance in the application. Receipts will still be needed. When presenting at a conference, the IRS considers the funds given to the presenting students as a CC business expense because the presenting students are representing CC and sharing the scholarship they have done with the faculty and staff collaborators.

Students should complete the Conference Presentation Grant application on Summit. It is recommended that applicants prepare the application in a word processing software (MS Word, Pages), and then cut and paste the answers into Summit. All applications will require a statement of support from the faculty mentor/supervisor of the research that is to be presented.

Conference Information
  • Dates, name of the conference, location, website
  • Title of the (accepted) presentation, conference abstract
  • Name of faculty research-advisor
Budget and explanation
  • Conference registration costs
  • Travel cost: flight cost, ground transportation at location of conference
  • Lodging (up to three nights)
  • Meals (up to $25 per day, up to four days) or students may calculate meals utilizing CONUS per diem rates

Final step: Faculty reference. Each application will need a brief statement of support by the faculty research advisor. Student applicants will indicate in the Summit application who the faculty reference is, and Summit will automatically send an email request to the faculty reference when the applicant submits the Summit application.

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Contact Us

Lisa Schwartz
Assistant Director, Grants, Research & Fellowships | Career Center
Office of the Dean of the College
(719) 389-6685

Conference Grant Application

Report an issue - Last updated: 06/18/2024