CC Co-sponsors Timely Cornel West Virtual Conversation

Colorado College and the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs are joining together to present "An Afternoon with Cornel West: Race, Religion, and Politics in a Year of Global Calamity" at 1 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 15.

Of particular relevance to the Colorado Springs community - and beyond - will be an examination of the place of religion in the Trump era, highlighting the concurrent white evangelical and Black prophetic traditions.

The free virtual event, aimed at raising public awareness of the socio-political challenges facing the nation in this election year, features a public conversation and interview with renowned scholar and activist West, professor of the Practice of Public Philosophy at Harvard Divinity School and professor emeritus at Princeton University.

West will discuss what is at stake in this year's election, while considering the systems that have brought the nation to the current historical moment, which is marked by a global pandemic, uprisings for racial justice, and a radically polarized U.S. American electorate. Register in advance at:​

The interview also will examine the role of neoliberal capitalism (a form of unrestrained capitalism aided by State policy) in laying the groundwork for the current historical moment, which is marked by a global pandemic, uprisings for racial justice, and a radically polarized U.S. American electorate.

Joining West in the virtual conversation are Christopher Hunt, Colorado College assistant professor of religion, and Rev. Dr. Stephany Rose Spaulding and Jeffrey Scholes, both of the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs.

This event is presented by the UCCS Center for Religious Diversity and Public Life, UCCS Heller Center, UCCS Women's and Ethnic Studies program, UCCS Philosophy Department, the Colorado College Cultural Attractions Fund, CC Political Science Department, CC Religion Department, and the CC Chaplain's Office. Read more about the event.

Report an issue - Last updated: 10/11/2021