PS230 - Waging Nonviolent Conflict

An investigation into the strengths and limitations of nonviolent conflict in bringing social and political change. After a week investigating social movement theory drawing from several disciplines, students participate in a workshop in which they envision, organize and strategically guide a virtual nonviolent social movement. Class requires substantial engagement in class and group projects and a final exam.

1 unit — Djinovic, Popovic


Term Block Title Instructor Location Student Limit/Available Updated
Fall 2023 Block 3 Waging Nonviolent Conflict Srda Popovic, Slobodan Djinovic Ed Robson Arena CHAPMAN 32 / 13 07/02/2024
Fall 2024 Block 3 Waging Nonviolent Conflict Slobodan Djinovic, Srda Popovic TBA 32 / 28 07/02/2024
Report an issue - Last updated: 07/02/2024