GS399 - Topics in Advanced Writing Projects

This course will provide students with strategies for approaching advanced writing projects, such as senior thesis papers, grant and scholarship applications, and essays for graduate and professional schools. Students will learn methods for research, invention, drafting, organization, and revision. By the end of the class, students will have produced a significant piece of writing for a class or an independent project. As this course requires substantial writing, revision, conferencing, and response, course seats will be capped at 12.

Prerequisite: consent of instructor & Pass/Fail grade track only. Either .25 units in two block adjunct format or .5 units in half-block (1.0 units maximum credit in any given year).

.25 unit — Sartin, Schacht


Term Block Title Instructor Location Student Limit/Available Updated
Fall 2023 Block 3 Topics in Advanced Writing Projects: Thesis Lab Topic Details Chris Schacht See Prof. 003 12 / 9 07/02/2024
Spring 2024 Block 5 Topics in Advanced Writing Projects: Thesis Topic Details Roy Jo Sartin Tutt Library 12 / 10 07/02/2024
Fall 2024 Block 3 Topics in Advanced Writing Projects: Thesis Lab Topic Details Chris Schacht TBA 12 / 10 07/02/2024
Spring 2025 Block 5 Topics in Advanced Writing Projects: Thesis Topic Details Roy Jo Sartin TBA 12 / 12 07/02/2024
Report an issue - Last updated: 07/02/2024