EV493 - Independent Research

Advanced faculty-supervised independent research in environmental natural science, social science, or humanities. Usually done as thesis research before EV499: Senior Thesis. 1 unit.

1 unit — Hautzinger


Term Block Title Instructor Location Student Limit/Available Updated
Fall 2023 Block 1 Independent Research: NP Role in Facilitating Indigenous Leadership- Bears Ears National Monument Eric Perramond TBA 1 / 0 07/02/2024
Fall 2023 Block 2 Independent Research Allison Lawman TBA 1 / 0 07/02/2024
Fall 2023 Block 2 Independent Research: Chico Basin Ranch Miro Kummel TBA 1 / 0 07/02/2024
Fall 2023 Block 2 Independent Research Miro Kummel TBA 1 / 0 07/02/2024
Fall 2023 Block 2 Independent Research: Facilitating Tribal Co-Management in the American Southwest Eric Perramond TBA 1 / 0 07/02/2024
Fall 2023 Block 2 Independent Research: Potential Places of Refuge in Alaskan Waters Corina McKendry TBA 1 / 0 07/02/2024
Fall 2023 Block 2 Independent Research: Chico Basin Colorado Miro Kummel TBA 1 / 0 07/02/2024
Fall 2023 Block 2 Independent Research Miro Kummel TBA 1 / 0 07/02/2024
Fall 2023 Block 4 Independent Research: Dust on Snow Research Charlotte Gabrielsen TBA 1 / 0 07/02/2024
Spring 2024 Block 6 Independent Research: Assessing Beaver Restoration in Fountain Creek Watershed Charlotte Gabrielsen TBA 1 / 0 07/02/2024
Spring 2024 Block 6 Independent Research: Dust on Snow Charlotte Gabrielsen TBA 1 / 1 07/02/2024
Fall 2024 Block 3 Independent Research Sarah Hautzinger TBA 1 / 0 07/02/2024
Report an issue - Last updated: 07/02/2024