EC385 - Topics in Macroeconomics:

Selected topics, with content and emphasis developed by the instructor (Not offered 2024-25).

Prerequisite: -EC301 and -EC302, and at least one 300-level Economics elective.

1 unit

Previously Featured Offering

Come to understand the unique challenges of rebuilding (or building) economies after conflicts between nation-states, civil wars, and between governments and terrorist groups. Through the context of development economics, as well as historical and political factors, students will inspect these challenges.
Photo of rubble inside a building
Photo from Flickr user Scott Willoughby
Economics of International Climate Policy will explore topics ranging from sustainable development in small island states, to eco-prenuership, to agricultural and infrastructural climate adaptations. Students will travel to the UN Framework on Climate Change's annual meeting in Bonn, Germany.
Photo of a United Nations conference on Climate Change
The first two weeks of Economics of International Climate Policy with Mark Smith will take place in the classroom and will focus on the background economic theory of topics such as cap and trade, carbon taxes, border tax adjustments, finance mechanisms and integrated assessment models (IAMs). These two weeks will provide a foundation of knowledge that will serve the students when they travel to the United Nations Framework on Climate Change's annual meeting, the Conference of the Parties, in Bonn, Germany during the last two weeks of the block. In conjunction with the formal meetings for country delegates, there are a plethora of daily, public, “side-events” sponsored by groups ranging from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) to small island states (SISs) to business groups such as the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO). During these two weeks of class in Bonn, Germany, students will explore unique individual topics ranging from sustainable development in small island states, to eco-prenuership, to agricultural and infrastructural climate adaptations, culminating in final projects that are meant to provide knowledge to the greater Colorado College campus.

No offerings are currently scheduled.

Report an issue - Last updated: 01/21/2025