CH410 - Medicinal Chemistry

An introduction to medicinal chemistry with a focus on current approaches toward the design of new drugs and optimization of their pharmacological, metabolic, and toxicological profiles. Principles of biochemistry, molecular biology, and organic chemistry will be applied to the interpretation, analysis, and critique of recent primary medicinal chemistry literature. An overview of the drug discovery, development, and approval process will include case studies of recently approved drugs. 1 unit. Meets the Writing in the Discipline requirement.

Prerequisite: CH382.& BioChemistry 382.

Degree requirement — Writing in the Discipline

1 unit — Dounay


Term Block Title Instructor Location Student Limit/Available Updated
Spring 2025 Block 5 Medicinal Chemistry Amy Dounay Barnes Science Center 114 12 / 0 12/22/2024
Report an issue - Last updated: 12/22/2024