CH251 - Reactions of Organic Molecules

Characteristic reactions of common organic functional groups. Mechanisms, rates and equilibria. The course depends heavily on concepts developed in 250. Laboratory included. Meets the Critical Perspectives: Scientific Investigation of the Natural World requirement.

Prerequisite: Chemistry & Biochemistry 250.

Degree requirement — Critical Perspectives: I

1 unit — Dounay, Harris, Vaghoo


Term Block Title Instructor Location Student Limit/Available Updated
Fall 2023 Block 2 Reactions of Organic Molecules Habiba Vaghoo Barnes Science Center 209 24 / 12 07/02/2024
Fall 2023 Block 4 Reactions of Organic Molecules Amy Dounay, Jared Harris Barnes Science Center 143 24 / 2 07/02/2024
Spring 2024 Block 5 Reactions of Organic Molecules Jessica Kisunzu, Jared Harris Barnes Science Center 209 24 / 0 07/02/2024
Spring 2024 Block 7 Reactions of Organic Molecules Jessica Kisunzu, Jared Harris Olin Hall 185 24 / 0 07/02/2024
Fall 2024 Block 2 Reactions of Organic Molecules Jared Harris TBA 24 / 0 07/02/2024
Fall 2024 Block 4 Reactions of Organic Molecules Amy Dounay, Habiba Vaghoo TBA 24 / 0 07/02/2024
Spring 2025 Block 6 Reactions of Organic Molecules Jared Harris TBA 24 / 24 07/02/2024
Spring 2025 Block 8 Reactions of Organic Molecules Jared Harris TBA 32 / 32 07/02/2024
Report an issue - Last updated: 07/02/2024