AH275 - Art in Context:

Study of artworks of a selected period, artist, or theme in their historical, social, political, intellectual, and geographical context. This course is taught on campus for approximately half of the block. The second half is spent in the appropriate location off campus (in the U. S. or abroad), where readings, student and faculty presentations, and discussions are focused on the actual artworks in situ. Need-based financial aid for all students is available from the Berg Endowment. Limit 15 students. Meets the Writing in the Discipline requirement. (Not offered 2024-25).

Degree requirement — Writing in the Discipline

1 unit


Term Block Title Instructor Location Student Limit/Available Updated
Fall 2023 Block 1 Art in Context: 19th Century Paris: Art and Cultural History Topic Details Tip Ragan, Gale Murray Taught Abroad 001 15 / 1 07/02/2024
Report an issue - Last updated: 07/02/2024