AH101 - Global Introduction to Art History
This introductory course is a thematic examination of selected moments in the history of art across time and space. The class will be organized around case studies, themes, and cultural comparisons. It also considers the movement of art objects and ideas from one historical context to another. Specific case studies will vary for each iteration of the course. Architectural constructions of power will be of interest (comparisons might include the Cambodian Angkor Wat temples and/or Mayan temple complexes, or the Athenian Acropolis). The course investigates the interplay of religious and political values (as in Confucian tomb art and/or Christian narratives); the dynamic relationship between stylistic changes and expanding markets for art (as in French Impressionist painting and Japanese woodblock prints); and the impacts of colonialism in European art and in the visual cultures of colonized or partly-colonized lands. Differing interpretations of landscape will be introduced, as well as the formation, and interrogation, of an art historical canon. Students will develop visual, verbal, analytic, and written skills through class discussion and projects. Field trips may facilitate on-site experiences of art. 1 units. Meets the Critical Perspectives: Global Cultures requirement. (Not offered 2025-26).
Degree requirement — Critical Perspectives: G
1 unit
No offerings are currently scheduled.